I'm Starting To Hate My Peppers....

Yes I understand what you mean, that the fence is positioned so they get as much sun as possible before it shades them.  It could still limit growth a bit and this brings me back to what I was thinking that if the plants were larger they'd have more pods by now, that when it gets cooler there they will take forever and a day to ripen but more pods... is still more pods.  They haven't grown much for being that age and if they had grown more earlier, may have set pods earlier too.
Since you can't change the sun what remains is assessing drainage and nutrient levels next year, and any that you don't want to dig up can have bed sheets or tarps thrown over them at night to help them survive moderate drops into freezing temperature.  Plastic tarps would need removed promptly in the morning once it is above freezing since they trap air and moisture much more than sheets.
Awesome, thanks again for your help and time.  It is too early yet, but I will be re-reading my posts before next years grow so I can learn from my mistakes.  Also, thanks for the tip on the tarp as I will be needing it here.  I was just about to throw away a large tarp with a few holes in it from my boat, but now I can trim it for my peppers.  As for removing it in the morning, no problem as I am up and outside just before 6, so can safely remove it before work, or I can even wake my hunny up at 8 to do it......