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Impatient for pods

I have a considerable amount of plants growing(and taking their time putting out mature pods). We all know that some annuums such as jalapenos and serranos can be consumed and appreciated in their green state. however other pods my not be worth taking from the plant till they are mature. I have about 160 different hots/super hots and a few sweets growing/flowering and podding right now. I am at wits end waiting for some of them to mature and my patience is being truly tested.
From your experience, what varieties provide a reasonable taste and heat profile to warrant an early extraction and taste test. and which ones are best left unmolested.
Cayenne, mariachi, jalapeño, Serrano, alma, Poblano, Thai varieties, nu Mex varieties, Anaheim's, Chile California,some of the habs, these are all good unripe, but better ripe, Most of the others I've tasted are much better ripe and not very good unripe
You know once my hot lemon drops flowered, it seemed like the pods were frozen in time.  Every day I checked them for growth and they never grew.  Then all of a sudden, they are nearly an inch long.  The habaneros are slow also, but not that bad.
My pepper garden was an almost too late of an idea this year after I noticed the deer were gone.  Next years I will start earlier.