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Importance of Location in Flavor

Wide-O said:
Interesting idea. I wonder if the peppers from the same area taste the same year after year? We can have very different conditions in summer (like three months of rain, or a few heat waves), so that could affect the taste as well.

I didn't think about that aspect of it Wide-O. I was thinking year after year averages but now that you mention it, I know that peaches in a dry year are much sweeter than peaches in a wet year...so I assume this would carry over to other fruiting plants too...maybe not just in the sweet/not sweet category...could be other things like color variations or size of fruit....

We know stressing the pepper plant during fruiting increases the heat level, now I am wondering what it does for the flavor...

I think there are just too many variables in the environment (not only from place to place but weather variations year to year) to make single year comparison. But this could be our first year and we could keep a database....