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Impressive Chile Selection in Greenville, SC

I'm not sure if this post belongs here or in the Vendor Vault, so forgive me if it belongs elsewhere.

There is a Farmer's Market in downtown Greenville, SC, on Saturday mornings. One vendor has the most impressive selection of fresh chiles you can imagine. Last Saturday he had 88 different varieties out of the 150 he tells me he's growing this year. It's an incredible opportunity to find and sample varieties. And, of course, an opportunity to buy a pod and then save seeds for next year.

If you're lucky enough to live close enough, he'll be there until the market closes down at the end of October (he tells me he won't be there October 13). He is now harvesting a lot of super hot varieites. I got an evil-looking Black Naga Jolokia, and it's the hottest thing I've ever put in my mouth!

(Administrators: please feel free to move this if there's a better place on the forum for it.)

THAT'S AWESOME!!! :onfire:

up here other than my friend and myself i dont know of anyone who grows as many as we do, sad shame really, im always game fore something new and yeah its always great to try new species and get seeds, the nice thing about being able to buy pods is that you always end up with more seeds than you will ever need for you own personal consumption and gives you the opportunity to be generous to others, i love it and as i listen to so many who say they dont have many options the more it makes me realize im spoiled!! however in spite of that i still love to help

sounds like you got yourself a great opportunity there, i would get as many as i could while they last, you never know when its going to dry up

thanks your friend Joe
how kind of prices was he charging for the super hots?I am just curious as I was thinking of taking some of my peppers the bigger farmer markets around here
The only fresh superhots I have ever had were from local growers. A friend of mine was lucky enough to work with a guy that grows some ghost peppers, so I was able to capitalize on that. The rest have either been in sauce or powder form. On occasion, you can find habs at the farmer's markets around here, but generally they just have jalapenos, cayennes, serranos, etc. I tried growing some bhuts this year, but they didn't make it. :( Granted, they were the bhut in a can variety, so I didn't have too much hope for them from the start. They sprouted, but then died off pretty quickly after that. I don't claim to have much of a green thumb, but my other peppers did pretty well this year. That is a great find. I am with JoshuaP2000... I would like to know what kind of prices they were going for...
I'll have to find out what he charges for his chiles. I took him some pods and he told me to pick out whatever I wanted. He didn't charge me and we never talked about price.
I also have visited this farmers market! I live in charlotte,NC. I have gone back twice to load up on his pods! his farm is Lanherne farms and have bought his 12 pack of superhots! Those cost 10.00 and usually he charges me 50 cents a piece for the one's on the table! I have gotten some really cool verieties from him. I highly reccomend him to anyone!