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in-ground In ground plant spacing question

I agree with ajijoe 12-18 inches per pepper plant is fine in the rows. BUT I space at least 4ft between rows. This gives me great production and I have room to walk and bend over (although by the end of season I a mainly standing up) and pick the pods.
and also when you guys say 4' between rows and some of you say in the garden.. I have a garden, but I make little raised hills, which this year I am going to make raised rectangles rather than hills because I have noticed that over the summer to water washes away some of the soil slightly, but the roots can not grow out to the sides because the hill is high.. so this year I am just going to make slight trenches/walkways between the plants and just pile the soil from the walkways onto the "rows" so the roots have a lot more space between them..

I plan on having 2' wide raised areas, with 2' wide rows/pathways.. but I am thinking I might make 3' wide "rows" with 1' wide pathways in between, with the plants in the center of each, so they have some more soil on the sides to grow and stretch their roots out in soil that I won't be walking on.. that sound OK? I'm just confused with people talking about rows and raised beds and gardens and stuff, because to me.. it's all the same, except for when people actually make raised and separated rows or raised beds, with grass and stuff between them.. but for me.. it's all one big garden with slightly raised areas for drainage
nothing huh? anyone think that I am on the right path for what I am planning or.. no? just want to know if I'm going about it the wrong way before I do everything so I can plan everything out ahead of time.. and curious about my question about the Tepin plants and planting them semi close together to let them grow onto each other for support almost, (question and my idea posted at the bottom of the 1st page), anyone every done this.. or has no one just thought of this before? and if so, then does it sound OK at least?