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In need of help

Here I am again asking for help!

1. War on aphids is going well, Haven't seen one in weeks. However some of my smaller seedlings were burned by the spray. They seemed to be recovering nicely except for the occasional deformed new leaf growth.

2. Half of my plants were sunburned while trying to harden them. I put them in what I thought was a shady area, ran some errads, came home a couple hours later and they were in full sun-- I forgot that we had a bunch of trees removed, didnt realize we now have mid-day sun. They seem to be recovering well.

3. A couple plants had bumpy leaves, appeared to be a calcium deficiency, fixed that.


4. I came home from work today to plants that have yellowing leaves. New growth is still green. Old growth seems to be yellowing from the middle of the leaves outward. Some leaves have fallen.

here are a few pictures of various plants:



carribean red hab





de Arbol





Can anyone offer a diagnosis/ solution? thanks again!
looks like what happened to mine from sunburn. Just because they are out of the sun doesn't mean the effects stop right away. I had some leaves go white on me 1.5 days after I brought and kept them in to recover
+1 for Justaguy. My sunburned plants from last month also looked similar and continued having some effects a couple of days after brining them in
Also looks like a little too much water. I let my plants almost droop before I water them. If you water too much then the leaves will turn yellow. Just my 2 cents.

Also looks like a little too much water. I let my plants almost droop before I water them. If you water too much then the leaves will turn yellow. Just my 2 cents.


Had a watering issue earlier this season with the first set of plants, the way they yellowed seemed different than this. I have a different potting mix used for these plants. I'm basically letting them droop/almost droop before watering, usually about once ever 7-8 days. They are actually fairly dry at the moment.
Now that I'm looking at the plants more closely, only seems to be happening on the plants that were outside. The plants that never went outside still seem healthy...maybe it is the sunburn... Will they bounce back, or do i need to do something to help em out?
mother nature will bring them back and leaves may fall, but mine that had some go white are coming back. And mine were a lot smaller.
I had some go white as well. These didnt show signs initially. I just wanted to get it sorted out before I go to the beach this weekend and put them under someone else's care. It would be kindof ironic if I went to Peppers then came home to dead peppers...
the yellow leaves near the bottom
are the oldest leaves,

i would look into giving those some

more room for the roots POT UP!
i have all the same issues as you and more in some cases - everything from sunscald, wind stress, over watering, too dry, too cold, soil staying wet too long.....the list just keeps going on and on!

try giving them a little aspirin water, that perked up one of my sunscalded plants.
I sunburned a whole tray of hot peppers pretty bad 1 month ago. I put them out and forgot about them.
They lost at least half of their leaves if not more. They are recovering, but very slowly. Your peppers
don't look to bad at all, better than mine.