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In the news...

well i'm spewin...i took out the provisional patent when i was about 25 for a small device that you plug into your soil & turns on a LED when the soil gets dry (it's adjustable to plant preference)It used a 50 cent op-amp 8-pin chip & two 5 cent resistors - Of course it was stolen & turned into a plastic song bird that whistled a tune & sold in k-mart for $15 a piece. My bet is it's the same switch.

It did have a downside - to make a switch work (turn on) when the soil is dry (less conductive)means you have to put a greater voltage through it when it is conductive (moist) and then switch it at the high end to off. This leads to a build up on the anode & cathode of every possible acidic & alkaline mineral or chemical in your soil (quite a few)> leads to higher resistance & false readings and eventually useless probes (about 2 months later) ...unless you're willing to gold plate the probes.

Hey...i am a nerd :D
imaguitargod said:
Wow, that is lazy!

Exactly my thoughts...I mean, what's the point of bothering to garden if you won't even get off your ass and go outside to check on the plants?
Sickmont said:
Exactly my thoughts...I mean, what's the point of bothering to garden if you won't even get off your ass and go outside to check on the plants?

Well, if I'd had one of those when the Puppy Au Pair was gleefully surfing MySpace instead of watering plants, I might not have lost all my Almapaprika peppers.

I wonder if I could add a voice recording that screams, "LOG OFF NOW!"