In the process of turning my my sauces into a business

Hello all, After making my sauces for more than seven years for friends and family, my passion for food and the feed back I received in those years is driving me to turn it into a real business. I have been selling them and giving away samples at parties, gathering, restaurants owners etc as a form of marketing. A friend took samples to a  small grocery store in the state where he works and the owner wants to carry my brand, therefore I want to be all the way legit before I commit to that opportunity, it's more than selling to friends and their friends, I want to do it right. HELP PLEASE! 
While I was online doing some research and I came across forums from this site and decided to create an account, and I am loving the community. 
This is not a get rich idea for me, this is my passion, My mother is Chef and my love for food started from being in the kitchen with her from a young age. I know there is a lot to learn and a lot of work involve in the industry, and I am ready and willing to put in what it takes. I read stories about some of you guys out there, and I like to see how you guys were dedicated from the start. 
I am open to any help and advice I can receive from you guys.
 My company is an LLC, I have a label design along with nutrition facts, I have also purchased bar-codes, I use different bottle suppliers depends on the sale they are having at the time. 
Below are some things I would like some clarity/advice on please.
1- What is the best way to protect my name? is the LLC enough?
2- Do I have to copyright my recipes being that I have ingredient List on the label?
3-I am currently using 5oz Plastic bottles, should I be using glass? if so why? I know glass would cost more to ship.
4-what's the best shipping methods? 
5- I don't have any preservatives in my sauce, how do I check the life? I had the BBQ sauce in the fridge for one year and it was still good, Not sure yet about the Hot sauce,  any suggestions please on how to check?
6-Is it ok to let sauce cool down prior to bottle?
7-What kind of insurance is required?
Thank you for any support.
HI Sawss Guy-
I'll come back in a bit, and others will chime in soon.... but it looks like there's a triple posting of this topic.  To avoid having 2 or 3 threads going, I'd suggest going to 2 of the threads and deleting the text.  Just post "edit- deleted text- OOPS! double post" or something like that :lol:.  Folks will find the active thread.
3. Most sauce makers use glass because they can be hot filled. I also sterilize the glass bottles at 225F for 1hr before filling.

4. I am in Canada, where we do not have flat rate boxes. I ship in indestructo mailers packed with cornstarch peanuts.

5. Get yourself a PH tester and check all your sauces.

6. I always maintain temperature of my sauce and bottle hot. This allows you to invert the bottles which sterilizes the caps.

7. Again, I am in Canada and have business insurance. I also needed to have my labels etc. approved and create a recall plan.
I am not in the business of sauce making.  Toying with the idea, but not there at all.  Just wanted to give a big congratulations to you for being bold enough to follow a dream.  I do have an answer to one of your questions.  On shipping, there is a box maker who is a member here.  He had a huge sale not long ago.  Great boxes, each fits three standard bottles.  Have ordered from a couple members that use those boxes, never a broken bottle.

Look in the classified section or visit his web site:
Bad memory, but I think there might have been a coupon in the classified section.

Again: Bravo for having the fortitude to follow a dream.