Increase heat levels

People ask all the time "how do i increase the heat level of my chilli's ? "

well here is the scientific study results that were sent to me..

Subject: Increase heat levels
Journal of plant physiology ISSN 0176-1617 CODEN JPPHEY

Résumé / Abstract
Putrescine treatment (0.1 mmol/L) influenced enhancement of growth and capsaicin production in the cell suspension cultures of C. frutescens. The administration of polyamine inhibitor DFMA (a-DL-difluoromethylarginine) resulted in a reduction of the growth, capsaicin content and the endogenous titres of polyamines (PAs) The capsaicin synthase activity was also higher in the putrescine (Put) treated cultures. Ethylene levels were lower in the cultures treated with putrescine. This study suggested that Put facilitates growth and capsaicin production.

Just saw this abstract. You could try it when you get that suit. I love the name of the chemical, almost as good as the closely related cadavarine. So plant a dead cat in the pot and smell those babies getting hotter. Putrescine comes from decaying flesh.

So there ya go, duno how the place would smell though as already get hasselled for dynamic lifter.. but another interesting use for dead cats
Actually putrescine is present in semen, and I do accuse you guys of furiously wanking over your peppers; only I was speaking figuratively.
Damn it, all my plants are out the front of my house, gonna find it hard to "feed the chickens" without the neighbours being disgusted.
Fish. Dead fish. Dead fish planted in the ground with your peppers. Plus the smell will attract the neighborhood kitties. Oh my!
Pam said:
Actually putrescine is present in semen, and I do accuse you guys of furiously wanking over your peppers; only I was speaking figuratively.

Gives a new meaning to organ(ic) farming. :rolleyes:

patrick said:
Fish. Dead fish. Dead fish planted in the ground with your peppers. Plus the smell will attract the neighborhood kitties. Oh my!

wordwiz said:
Gives a new meaning to organ(ic) farming. :rolleyes:


it seems things have come full circle...we are re-learning how others did it before us and had already learned (indians and maze) what was best for growth.

Maybe that's why fish fertilizer is so popular. :doh: