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Increasing pepper set.

Hey all,
My chilies are once again budding. I have never grown this many plants indoors and would like some advice on how to increase the number of buds that turn into chilies. I am already getting bud drop and hate seeing them go to waste.

I have been using a small water color brush and q tip to gently pollinate; but still no peppers forming.

Any advice appreciated.

- Mega
Keep a fan running ...if the plants are in a vigorous growth phase you should have no problem with pollen. If the plants were overwintered but the not completely cut back to scratch it may take awhile especially if the plants have partial older slow growing foliage. Picking off the flowers will encourage new growth....that is if you intend to grow the plants out until spring...
How bright is your light? I had 2-3 Huge plants growing inside last winter and they produced almost nothing until i got a decent light over them.
Thank you for the replys. The light I am running is a 1000w HPS. I have one box fan that runs only when the light is on (blowing heat off the ballast), and another that is on the same timer as a space heater that runs in 30 min on/off cycles. Here is a pic. Sorry about the picture color I still can't figure out the white balance on my camera.

How long are your lights on? You can try to decrease the light cycle by a couple hours as long as you don't go under 12 12, it takes the plants a week or 2 to adjust but it should help with pod set.
12/12 is a common light cycle to promote budding on "other" indoor crops. With your 1000w HPS you have plenty of light. That's a great setup you have, Mega.
I said not to go under 12 12, but decreasing the light by a couple hours from where they are during veg tricks the plants into thinking it is getting later in the season and they put more energy into reproducing.
I had hot wax and serranos produce like crazy under 12 -12 under a 400watt hps my supers are at 15 right now they were losing a tons flowers under 18 I went down to 15 and about a week later I now have quite a bit of pods forming.
Pods may be smaller if plant thinks season is ending.

Also pods will not be as hot raised inside, they will not get the hot temps they would outside during the summer.
One thing to mention is the size of the plant saucers that you're using are a wee bit small. Those 5 gal buckets should have saucers that overlap 2" all the way around and 2+ inches deep, even if you don't bottom water.
about your white balance issue. instead try putting a regular par of sunglasses up to the camera lense and take a picture through it, works exceptionally well when dealing with taking pictures with HPS lights