Indigo Rose Tomato seeds for trade?

Does anyone have any Indigo Rose tomato seeds I could trade you for?    All my tomatoes are history that i started a little over a month ago due to a mouse lol.....  I had 2 good looking indigo rose seedlings and now out of seeds.   I have tons of pepper seeds I would be willing to trade.
If you still need some, I've got you covered. PM me. I can also send you some other antho tomatoes with VASTLY superior taste to Indigo Rose.
Paddy what do you think of these new antho-tomatoes? They look cool but I've not read any actual science on the benefits of making tomatoes carry anthocyanin. 
PaddyMc said:
If you still need some, I've got you covered. PM me. I can also send you some other antho tomatoes with VASTLY superior taste to Indigo Rose.
I just started a couple of Indigo Rose. Never had them but got them on a seed train & thought they sounded good. What's better?
Indigo rose is probably the worst tasting blue tomato out there - it just happened to be the first one stabilized by OSU and released for commercial sale.  If you want some way better alternatives check out Tom Wagner's website - he has dozens of varieties for sale, in different stages of being stabilized, that include all sorts of colors, stripes, sizes.  Or, PM me if you want me to send you seeds from some of the nearly-stable lines I've been working on.