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Indoor and outdoor experiment 2023

I planted Black Krim and Red Bhuts around February 20, 2023. By the 7th they were looking like this. I planted 2 of each DWC and the rest will be outdoor kratky method.


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I installed my tomato trellis with 2 1/2" screws and jute twine. I left space behind for air flow.for the trellis I used concrete reinforcement wire. Yes it's an overkill. I had a role on hand so why not. Some of the leaves were looking a little cooked on the jalapeños, Habeneros, and Seranos. I pruned their lower leaves and dimmed the light to 30%.


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I think I might be going light on my nutrient solution. These bhuts are a pale green almost yellow. The leaves are tender new growth so i was thinking they would darken up but more leaves on older plants are yellTds is around 500. Here is a link I found on hydroponics on nutrient solution so I will give it a shot. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/hyg-1437
I upped the ppm of all plants nutrient solution to 1000 ppm between Tuesday and Wednesday March 21-23 2023. Color is much better on most plants. 1 tomato plant is looking scraggly. I beleive I did not transplant it deep enough into the hydroton. I will be hand watering it daily to encourage root development. Side by side comparison between the video recorded Monday and then today Friday March 24 at 7:00pm shows a much improved result.


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Here's an update. These two red bhuts sprouted within days of each other. The little one has been fed better since repotting. potassium silicate when first planted. Followed by plain water for the next round. Master blend at 1000ppm for a gallon for that feeding. Had two tomatoes get knocked over so the next round I fed with potassium silicate. This last watering was cold brew kelp meal tea extract . 10ml to a gallon of water. Each feeding was a sip setup. It took 3 days for them to drink it up and another 2 to three in between before another feeding.


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Tomatoes and peppers are growing fast. They are thirsty. Topped of each plant with ph adjusted water. I secured the Tomatoes to the trellis with twine. Last time I grew tomatoes indoors I used the single stem method. I will be using the 2 stem method this time. Those peppers in the tote will be going outside in diy kratky method over the week.


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I Found some spider mights on one of my red Bhuts. I caught it early before it spread. I treated with neem oil, soap, and water then trimmed the plant up. Some of the tomatoes leaves apparently got a little cooked from the spray. I did dim the light for the rest of the cycle.

I raised the light about 15 inches uped the light to 50%. I let the tomatoes drink up most of their water rinsed the buckets out and started fresh nutrients again at 1000ppm.
Outdoor kratky peppers. Raised bed is my own potting blend 30% peat 30% perilite 30% worm castings. Transplanted some of those rooted cuttings a Saturday. We had a nice rain today and the are loving it. Look over the chicken wire I have a cat and free range chickens.


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