indoor Indoor Grow: Are you afraid of LEO

Wierd, a few of those pictures are from the Prairie Plant Systems underground mine grow in Saskatchewan. I can spot those half dead plants anywhere. The unsmokeable, down right toxic bunk they grew there was part of the legal argument that gave us a nice medical system for a few years. I hear they're trying to poison the good people of Michigan these days, though they still have a fat contract to grow for Health Canada, despite having no customer base.
miguelovic said:
Wierd, a few of those pictures are from the Prairie Plant Systems underground mine grow in Saskatchewan. I can spot those half dead plants anywhere. They're the assclowns that produced the heavy metal (lead, not Motorhead. Hah, had a bit of time for a rhyme.) unsmokeable bunk that gave us a nice medical system for a few years.
very offtopic but phytoreclamation of soils includes using Datura stramonium to remove lead and other toxic metals.
miguelovic said:
Wierd, a few of those pictures are from the Prairie Plant Systems underground mine grow in Saskatchewan.
Got a link?  Not sure why, but i am hugely interested in underground growing.  I am also wildly interested in retasking / upcycling.  So here is a link to an underground grow that really, really, really floats my boat because it is in a former WWII bomb shelter that was sitting around doing nothing.  Amazing!
ajdrew said:
Got a link?  Not sure why, but i am hugely interested in underground growing.  I am also wildly interested in retasking / upcycling.  So here is a link to an underground grow that really, really, really floats my boat because it is in a former WWII bomb shelter that was sitting around doing nothing.  Amazing!
slippery slope to prepping ...
nothing wrong w/ prepping though, i guess ...
Grant, naw the bomb shelter is government left over from WWII.  They arent preppers, they are produce sellers.  I guess a bomb shelter would be a good place if there was a nuclear war so your food doesnt get irradiated but thinking that if WWIII were to break out youd have trouble with powering grow lights.

Also fascinated by food production in space, but not much of that going on to read about.
grantmichaels said:
slippery slope to prepping ...
nothing wrong w/ prepping though, i guess ...
The problem being that people have a stereotype idea of "preppers" from watching those lunatics on that TV show...most of them have completely insane ideas/reasons for why they're doing it.  Except for one scrawny couple prepping for the next New Madrid quake...although their urban location was laughable.  I'd say that 99% of REAL preppers do it for an extended breakdown of transportation/communication that could potentially last several months.  Even the CDC recommends keeping an emergency supply of food in your home (although they only recommend 3 days worth lol)
I mean look at it this way...I don't know how familiar you are with it in Florida but anytime there's a snow forecast...even for only a few inches people basically wipe out the shelves in the grocery store takes almost a week for the grocery stores to restock bread, milk, eggs, dried beans, etc.
Imagine a wide scale transportation or monetary problem causing people so heavily reliant on food getting trucked in to their local stores not being able to get food for weeks...or months at a time.  What do you think can happen?  The people in highly populated areas are going to be affected first...and then they're going to radiate outwards towards rural areas searching for food.  What it boils down to is that people don't know anything about growing food or wild harvesting edibles.  Moral is,
Grow your own food.  Then protect it.
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  DUUUUDE, no one is raiding anyone over a 4000 watt grow room.
I think the most important thing to take away from this thread is, I found out that 2na is a cop, so i need to try and act less stoned when he's around. :rofl:
hogleg I think the point is that urban LEO's like 2na don't care as much.  In rural (boring, uneventful) areas like mine where people have the mentality that "crops are for growing indoors" is where this is more likely to happen, which is probably what aj is more concerned about
Helvete, I do not consider myself a prepper in any shape or form.  I have at least a years worth of food and water because that is how we live.  Not getting ready for a damn thing.  Dealing with the crap that is already happening and watching it get worse while we get better at dealing with it.

Hogleg, not so much worried as much as wondering if I should be.  The couple in the link wasnt even using much electricity.  But what Helvete said is true.  Not sure it is the same for all states but KY is known as being very, very, very intolerant.  Every fall, my kids and i get to wave at the low flying police helicopters.  Sometimes I think they come back and low fly over our property cause they know the kids will be there bouncing up and down waving half the time.
What are they looking for stills or dope? unless you have a violent record or assault rifles, I don't think they are gonna come with flash bang grenades. They would prolly just knock on your door with a warrant. Then again I've never dealt with the law in Kentucky so what do I know.
Hogleg, in the fall it is marijuana.  Stills and crystal meth cook houses are year round.  More meth than stills.  I did not believe this till talking to my wifes friend at the FBI downtown.  Still not sure I believe it.  Evidently Shelbyville, KY which is about thirty minutes down the road is a major hub for a group called MS13.  Seems this part of Kentucky is a major crystal meth production point.  Then it is on the rt seventy five to seventy one express to Detroit for distribution.

Kind of scary.  Our county now has swat like teams, trucks, and a tank looking thing.
I wasn't saying that you were a prepper, I was just giving some input about it, irks me when people get stereotyped because of a goofy show on TV that's meant to be entertainment.
When I was working with parolees in McCracken Co. I would have caseloads of 10 guys at a time and 9/10 of them were on early release for meth production/'s a serious problem out there at least.  I don't think the "drug entrepreneurs" in the area are taking full advantage of I-24 running through there into Chicago lol  For some reason it hasn't taken a big stranglehold here in Virginia but we have serious heroin and crack problems in metro areas.  I think interstates act as main veins for "real" drugs and with I-95 running through here from Florida.  I know that in some states out west like Oregon and Washington it's pretty severe.  If I remember correctly, some statistics about meth use in Oregon:  85% of property crimes in 2007 were related to methamphetamine abuse and when Oregon required pseudoephedrine to be prescription only in 2009 it increased violent crime by 15% and meth prices rose by 40%.
Helevete, we live where we do in part to get our children away from that crap. Decade or so later, the crap followed us.  We are still 30 minutes from the first built up area, but having to go threw a metal detector to renew my drivers license is unsettling.  then again, so is seeing Haz Mat trucks and DHS vehicles driving around that small town turns my stomach too. Mayberry is dead.
:rofl:  WTF?!? you got Mara Salvatrucha half an hour down the road??? sorry I guess its not funny. Jeez, maybe you SHOULD get some assault rifles. Out here, the Surenos keep the MS in check.
hogleg said:
:rofl:  WTF?!? you got Mara Salvatrucha half an hour down the road??? sorry I guess its not funny. Jeez, maybe you SHOULD get some assault rifles. Out here, the Surenos keep the MS in check.
They're a lot more widespread than you think, I went to high school near DC and both MS and MM were always causing problems in my town.  You couldn't cross the street without knowing how to speak Spanish basically.  The Bloods tried to creep into the area around 2002/2003 and there was a lot of violent crime starting to happen in Hispanic neighborhoods when that happened.  I'm glad I got out of that region tbh.
Also, I recommend the book "The Bluegrass Conspiracy" to everyone here.
All of these piddly gangs ain't got nothin' on the Kentucky State Police and the DEA when they were running pot in the state in the 80's ;)  I hadn't heard anything about it until I met a guy who was anonymously mentioned as a drop pilot in the book and he was telling me about it.
Hogleg, with -MUCH- respect for Outlaws MC it does confuse me to hear MS13 is active down the way from a local chapter.  But yes, Shelbyville, KY is now home to MS13 according to our news and law enforcement.  We have no problems where we are.  Biggest concern here are coyote and firecrackers are enough to scare them off.  Yes, I bring a 12 gauge just in case but a pack of 50 firecrackers does just fine.
Helvete, it is frigging amazing where organized crime can be found.  For meth, I think it is because unlike the super lab of Breaking Bad, the cook houses are many and competitive.  I understand they stink and often blow up.  Kind of explains why they would be rural operations. Can not imagine they would work in my neck of the woods.  Everyone knows each other.  New folk do not go over well here at all.

Took me five years before the new people thing wore off on me and I do a bit of business with many of them.  Buy hay, sell produce, swap pulling each other out of ditches.  Image a new person who kept to himself and had an odd chemical odor from their home.  Oh, and no rental property.