indoor Indoor Peppers flower drop again!

Yet another year of indoor growing, last year I had the same issues, and can't quite remember the main cause.
I have seen the posts.. and the causes,
what is optimum humidity? for hot peppers
1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
I know I can rule out 1,2, 4, 5, 7, 9
so that leaves
3, 6, 8, 10, 11
The flowers are very strong and seem to open up fast. I have them in pro-mix. So with every feeding I have used hydroponic nutrients and never really fed them straight water, because there is no nutrient in the soil, (its soil-less) like doing hydro, pretty much.
I think the nutrient salts have probably built up, so the next 2 waterings ill feed them straight water and see what happens.
Anyone else growing in straight pro-mix? and what is your feeding schedule with peppers.
I'm guessing I'm being to generous with the feeding. Right now I moved to
MAXIBLOOM only, and its on every feeding, so a few times a week, when they need watering, otherwise they get 14-16 hours of light a day.
3 plants under a 8-bulb T5HO (420 watts) -> the plants are in 3 gallon containers, each one about 14-16 inches tall, with a thick stem, that is very "tanned" purple from sufficient light.
The entire canopy of each is under the light with no overlap, and its about 3 inches away.
I had it right on top of the plants but I moved it up since the plants grew towards it each day and I was moving the light alot.
The stems on the peppers are weakening, and then breaking right at the intersection of the branch and the stem, but they are flowering and opening fully before falling off.
I started last night doing a misting when turning off the lights to bring up the humidity, its probably about 30-40% or less for humidity.
I think i'll hold off the nutrients until they show signs of deficiency.?
I stop any ferts in the first sign of flowers (inc' tea')

Also don't let the soil become to dry and when giving water stop a little before its start to drain from bottom.

Found this very helpful
no sight of pollen on the flowers. So i put a fan on them, and still no pollination.
Ill stop ferts and ill go back to them if I see signs of any  nutrient deficiency.
I have 2 Bubblegum 7 pot and 1 carolina reaper.
its these.
Don't worry, its take weeks/montes to have nutrient deficiency if they ware well fertilized before.

By the leaves its seams they got fertz' more than enough.
day 1: straight water... flowers seem strong! And yes the leaves are very green, and the bottom growth of the plants are very large leaves.
lets hope that's a taste of what to come. I gave them a huge watering, in hopes of getting deep into the roots.
if most the flowers they have set, then I will be very happy.
I have no experience with hydroponics or anything reminiscent of it. I wouldn't think it's 8 if you have a fan blowing. When I grew indoors many of my plants had pods before I transferred outside. I don't believe I had insects but I did have an oscillating fan hitting all of them.
What do you think the temp is right under the light setup?
right below the light at the canopy level its 85 degrees.
I thought also that might be to high. with the fan on its 82 degrees now. I keep the fan on alot.
Hava said:
I stop any ferts in the first sign of flowers (inc' tea')

Also don't let the soil become to dry and when giving water stop a little before its start to drain from bottom.

Found this very helpful
Trying that one now. Plain water in the hydro for a bit to see if it helps setting.
Seem to get loads of stamens and pollen, but no pistils. A no nute stressing seems in order.
so still not peppers forming.
my bubblegum 7pot still is losing flowers quite a bit...  my reaper on the other hand.. has tons of flowers..and is becoming my strongest plant, since dropping off a feeding schedule.
i did take my fan off them for a few days and ill stick them back today.
I guess ill have to build up a grow tent area for better humidity, seems like poor humidity might be causing it. I have been misting the plants at least 1 time  day though. right before the lights go out.
I've been having trouble setting my Jolokia as a lot of initial sets but then it's been going in spasms....set 5-10 then none for several weeks then another 5-10.

Tried fan, misting, q-qip, brush and leave one.

Currently misting every other day directly into flowers with PH adjusted water followed by brush in fully open flowers on the non misting days.

Finding the right time of day for your plant i think is key...i'm still trying to find out when mine has the most pollen.

My Thai on the other hand sets itself 50% of the time then you just have to sneeze near it and it sets the other 45% :D
I had some reaper flowers, and it dropped all of them.  I just had some flwoers on my black pearls, bright beautiful little purple flowers.. it was open for like 3 days and then it fell off.  I dont have a fan on them at all.. but they are outsideo n the balcony... i have them under 4 T5 bulbs, FFOF medium, i havent fertilized since the FF runs hot.. i will start sprayinh some cal mag this weekend.  I dont know whats wrong..just had to chime in on my dilema. lol