indoor-growing Indoor Peppers...

I've got a ton of extra habaneros in Peat Pots that are very healthy...but have outgrown their current homes.  I don't have much space on my patio anymore to put new plants, and frankly these guys are a little bit too small to plan on growing for this season...but I was wondering if it'd be worthwhile to keep them in my office in a window that's warm and gets direct sunlight for the majority of the work day.  
Can I expect to harvest peppers from a few plants like this?  
Would I be able to overwinter a few plants here too, if I felt like it after the season was over this year?
couldn't hurt, they may not produce as much as if they were outside, but why not give it a try, whats the worst possible thing that could happen?/, they might surprise you??
thanks your friend Joe
At the very least, I could use the space to start my seedlings early next season.  It gets a TON of sun, even in the winter.  
I'd say it's definitely worth a shot.  This past winter was my first time OW'ing and I spent roughly $250 on a nice little setup with lights and fans and whatnot.  3 of my 4 plants went under the lights and one sat in a window that gets rather diffused sunlight for a few short hours a day.  By the time spring rolled around the window plant looked healthier and more ready for going outdoors than the three that went under lights!
I think being able to put 6-7 plants that I've pruned down for overwintering would be a great diversion during our long, cold winter.  Besides, they might be all I need next year for my current crop and I could focus on a few new varieties.
They will not produce as much obviously but small plants are still cool. If it's worthwhile is up to you to decide =]

Depending on how hot the office is they might not produce peppers. my OW'ed hab didn't start fruiting until about april and had flowers dropping all winter. If the office is 70+ degrees they miiiiight produce peppers.
Not sure about habs, but had some Thai's in a small flower pot in the kitchen window that produced year round. Also some Bolivian Rainbow and Inca Berry in larger pots that also did very well.
I have a load of various types in small containers I am experimenting on for minature-semi bonchi's.
If it gets enough light, and has enough nutrients it will produce.
If it's a southern facing window it will do well.
Edit: Some glass pains filter certain wavelengths of light, take care with that.