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indoor Indoor reapers

My reaper keeps blossoming, do they grow year round ? If they do I need to transplant it into a bigger pot and move it inside. Will that work or will it traumatize the plant and die
Yes, peppers are perennials and will keep going year round if you provide them with optimal growing conditions. That means temperature, nutes, and lighting all need to be good. A full sized, mature Reaper plant is going to need plenty of light if you want it to keep fruiting indoors. So you will probably need to invest in some some really good artificial lighting if you want it to keep producing over the winter. Some people prefer to just cut the plant back and keep it in kind of a low-maintenance mode until spring, since just keeping it alive until spring requires a lot less than trying to maintain production does. Anyway, you can read more about that in the overwintering thread here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/25596-the-comprehensive-guide-to-over-wintering/