inexpensive light stand

I recently bought a 400 watt mh/hps and ballast. Was trying to figure out how to hang it . This is what i came up with and thought i would share. I bought 6 5ft 1inch pieces of schedule 40 and 3 5ft 1/2 inch pipes. Got 4 1in 90°s , 2 1/2in 90°s and 2 1in t's and a reducer to go from pcv to threaded pipe since i couldn't find a reducer that would let the pipe slide so i can adjust the height of the lights. I drilled 6 holes 6in apart so i can slide the 1/2 in piece as tall as needed as the plants grow. It cost 27 dollars and should suit me well.



That works. Hang light fixture with chain and S hooks. That way you canraise or lower as needed.

I can raise and lower as needed with the eye bolts. There's 5ft 2in pipes inside the 1in pipe that has holes drilled every 6in. I can slide the whole uu shape that the light hangs on up another 4 ft. Need to get some chain to lower it just a tad but have the plants on a box for now. Got it fired up and potting plants for inside this season. The problem is what to pick. Lol... Just have 4 done atm but picked butch t scorp, bhut indian carbon, Antilles fire, and infinity... Only had 4 2 gallon pots atm. Looks like I'm going to walmart after work tomorrow. Think I'm going to do a fatalli and peach bhut also and 2 mouraga scorps in dwc. Well see tho...
This is the light stand/ table I built. had everything lying around except the 4x4 and nails

Nice! We had some stuff laying around but i needed one that's portable. The pvc is light weight and i only glued some of the fittings so it will come apart easily and wont flop over to the side. Hadn't a box under it now but need to go to Walmart and get a folding table maybe.
Any idea how much weight this stand can hold?  I was thinking about building something similar to this but my HPS fixture is close to 30lbs so I want to make sure my stand can support that much weight
willard3 said:
I think the 1/2" pipe will bend a lot at this span with more than 10 lbs or so.
So if I were to go with 1" pipe or maybe even 1 1/2" would that hold 25-30lbs?  Length of the pipe would be 4 1/2'