food Infused salt-Southwestern blend

After reading a few recent posts on infused salt, I did a little research and figured I'd give it a go.
I just want to start out simple and basic to determine if my methods work out....and since I really like southwestern cuisine and seasonings, .....
I chose to experiment with cilantro,lime, and smoked Aji Limon.

1 cup of cilantro leaves (washed and dried)
Zest of 3 limes
1 cup Kosher salt-flakes (no additives)
4 TBS Smoked Aji Limon powder
I layered the ingredients in my small blender container,with a couple TBS of salt between each. I ended up only using around 1/2 cup of the salt initially. 
I pulsed the blender for about 1-2 seconds, removing and shaking the container aggressively between pulses...(sorta tedious I must say)...but after 10-15 cycles everything was well blended. I then poured everything into a mixing bowl added the remaining salt and mixed well by hand using a whisk.

I cut a piece of parchment paper to snugly fit inside one of my dehydrator trays, and carefully spooned the salt mixture into an even layer...Beautiful color,,,and great fragrance...after about an hour, my house made me think I was at a local  taqueria.
I expect it to dry out rather quickly, since I chose not to add any additional liquid, but rather allow the salt to leach the moisture from the cilantro and lime zest...and then infuse the salt.
I'll just have to wait and see if my logic works....if not, I only have a minimal out of pocket investment ....but I really hate to waste my smoked  Aji Limon powder.
beerbreath81 said:
Looks great! Im curious to see how it comes out.
 Hey BB81,
The salt dried completely after around 2 hours in the dehydrator.
I tried a small sampling on some grilled chicken tenders and thoroughly enjoyed the citrus flavor. The heat and cilantro was just about right for me.
I am excited with the results, and expect it could improve even more after a couple days of aging.
I will be  using the technique again with other blends of herbs and spices....and some hotter pepper varieties. 
Chili Monsta said:
Hey BB81,
The salt dried completely after around 2 hours in the dehydrator.
I tried a small sampling on some grilled chicken tenders and thoroughly enjoyed the citrus flavor. The heat and cilantro was just about right for me.
I am excited with the results, and expect it could improve even more after a couple days of aging.
I will be  using the technique again with other blends of herbs and spices....and some hotter pepper varieties. 
Good to hear, what setting on your dehydrator? I like the color too!
My( 20 year old) dehydrator doesn't have a variable temp control. But I have measured it with a temp probe at 148 degrees.
I really enjoyed the salt this morning on a western omelet...topped with some recently fermented salsa.