in-ground Inground DWC

I had good luck with a DWC setup in my grow box, and it quickly out grew it, I am thinking of giving it a go this year outside...With the heat during the summer here, i figure I will bury the bucket 2 in from the top, so rainwater would go around it. I figure if the roots stay cooler it might do better this summer. Anyone tried it?
How do you plan to evacuate the water to change the solution if it is below ground? Wouldnt rain change the water level in an outdoor DWC?
I guess you could always flood it out to change water in there... In all reality, it would work. I would probably invest in a chiller, or shade mount it. 3 gallons of water wont take long to get pretty dang hot for sure!
My plants didn't have a problem with the 95-100 heat the 60+ percent humidity 24/7, or the lows being 75 on a good night, nope it was Stem Borers, White Flies, Aphids, dozens of different types worms, grasshoppers ETC.
roots will be cooled my the soil... If its 100 outside, you take a chance in cooking the roots.... Just be careful, but there is only one way to find out...