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Inside of a 7 Pot

excellent Patrick...now that you know the heat, you can use them to cook with because you now know how hot they are...I put one 7 pot in a quart of diced jalapenos and onion and it is delicious...

congratulations man...the pics look awesome...I love those red ears.... :lol:
Thanks everyone. I do feel kind of proud of myself for conquering the fear. Hands were shaking a little. I think that was caused by reading everyone else's reactions. Puts the fear of 7 Pot in ya.

I had a top to bottom slice an eighth of an inch thick. Dropped it on the tongue, chewed maybe six - eight times and down it went. I don't remember it tasting anything else but peppery. Then the flames hit and not the orange/yellow parts of the flame but the hotter red and blue parts.

I do not see me standing in a line to do it again
No, he was in school. He's been wanting to but I've been telling him no. He told me last night that he had eaten about half of a Bhut Jolokia and a whole Adalberto hab. Made it without anything to drink with the hab. We'll see. Dad's don't like to see their kids in pain. Self inflicted or not.
patrick said:
No, he was in school. He's been wanting to but I've been telling him no. He told me last night that he had eaten about half of a Bhut Jolokia and a whole Adalberto hab. Made it without anything to drink with the hab. We'll see. Dad's don't like to see their kids in pain. Self inflicted or not.

Can't let your kid beat you......half a Bhut is next for ya?
Is the 7 pot more hot than the Bhut Jolokia? Everywhere I read says the Bhut Jolokia is the hottest in the world.

BTW Nice job Patrick!
FadeToBlack said:
Is the 7 pot more hot than the Bhut Jolokia? Everywhere I read says the Bhut Jolokia is the hottest in the world.

BTW Nice job Patrick!

Bhuts are very hot but don't compare to the pods or the scorps that I've eaten. Such a vicious pain is unleashed from them, for a brief moment in time I got weak in the knees and felt as if I was halucinating while eating the seven.

Have big pleasure , have big fun!
FadeToBlack said:
Is the 7 pot more hot than the Bhut Jolokia? Everywhere I read says the Bhut Jolokia is the hottest in the world.

The Bhut Jolokia is the current world record holder, but everyone (?) that has also tried the 7's and Scorpions say that they are hotter - they just haven't been properly tested for SHU. Yet:hell:
Just my thought, but the scorp/7's hit much sooner and harder and in more areas than the Nagas. You can ready yourself for Naga's better IMO thanks to the lag time and buildup to the main burn.

The scorps in particular are brutal in they attack seemingly everywhere and really hit all the way down...everything from the top of my ears to my gut burned like fire the first time I tried one.

Basically, they hit as hard as Naga, but all at once and in more areas, while still having the good 10-15 minute long time of frying yer ass. :D
Sorry folks, not exactly a pepper question.


If I may, what equipment did you use for the shot? Been thinking about investing in a microscope for hobby purposes and would love to know what you used optics wise. Got a few DSLR's and high end Zeiss lenses but no clue where to start looking for a decent microscope (optics wise).

No worries ottawa. This is a 1970's Bausch $ Lomb 'scope that came from a local college that I use primarily to sex tarantulas. Thing is when you have one handy you tend to put all kinds of silly things on a slide and give them the once over.

I take the photo by placing the camera up to one of the microscope's eyepieces. I'll take four or five pics before getting one worth using. Pretty low tech in this high tech world.

Wish I could be more helpful. Good luck to ya.