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Intense stomach discomfort

Has anyone experienced intense stomach discomfort with a trinidad scorpion (butch t)? And also a sense of almost nausea? Then a numbing sensation throughout the abdomen, arms, and hands. My hands were also cramping up. Thanks
Wow! You had a massive endorphin rush there. I have experienced similar. The first time I ate a superhot. It was a douglah and it kicked my butt. The numbing is definitely a sympathetic response to the intense pain of a superhot, and I would assume the cramping could go along with that. And, yes I did almost throw up with that first superhot too. I have learned to make sure that I have some substantial food in my stomach before eating a superhot, and it hasn't happened again.

Sounds like you got taken for a nice ride. :rofl:
Yep. My 1st was Trinidad Scorpion (not butch T). It made me sweat. But my stomach was fine then... I ate a douglah on an empty stomach... I was fine so I thought. Eyes watering, Face on fire, Mouth torched but that wasn't the bad part. About 5 hours later I still didn't eat anything well because I was going out to an early dinner. On the way to the restaurant (an hour drive) I felt the cramping. I figured a bit was from not eating but every time I belched I felt the heat. Luckily it was making me feel better or so I thought. When we got to the place I went to the bathroom. Almost threw up. I drank a bunch of water and took a Tums and finally felt better. Only things with my hands were because I was cutting some and saving the seeds I didn't wear any gloves. Burning sensation almost like a frostbite feeling. But not that extreme.
Yes, welcome to the world of Superhots! Buht's never hurt my stomach, 50% of the 7's do, and about 75% of the scorpions. For me it is only when I eat them straight up. I can chop up 2 or 3 scorpions on a big pizza and no discomfort.
It was on an empty stomach and only a bite from the side of the pepper from tip to stem. Maybe 1/4 of the pepper? The mouth burn was :mouthonfire: , but about 15 minutes later the stomach pain was :hell:. I know now to make sure i eat plenty of food and have milk near by. Thanks for the input. :)
Yes, welcome to the world of Superhots! Buht's never hurt my stomach, 50% of the 7's do, and about 75% of the scorpions. For me it is only when I eat them straight up. I can chop up 2 or 3 scorpions on a big pizza and no discomfort.
I completely agree. I can use plenty of chopped and cooked peppers on my food with no discomfort, but when you get that special superhot I feel the burn.
Oh yeah. I'm munching on a 7 pot Brain at the moment and am experiencing a special kind of ouchness that is making me a little light headed and I'm also enjoying an odd sensation similar to what my wife describes as hot flashes. Man I love this stuff!
I had the hand cramp thingo going on at a fiery wing comp a couple of years ago.
Was the strangest thing to happen to me from hot stuff!
I can definitely feel your pain. I have had a few that have kicked my a@@ but I ate a Chocolate Bhut from The Pepper Growing Man and I was on the ground for a good 25 minutes writhing in pain. The funny thing is the only times that I get that terrible stomach pain is when I eat Asian food before I eat the pepper. So I took that and decided that if I was going to be eating any superhots I would not be eating any Asian food before hand....But other than that, I drink a glass of milk and eat a banana before the chili. Also, I do the same (milk and banana) after I eat the pepper so that helps if the stomach gets messed with. I can deal with the mouth pain any day, but the stomach pain....that is another story. Good luck
