Would you mind posting the results then?
Reflective Chart
Material Percent Reflected
Foylon 94-95
Reflective Mylar 90-95
Flat white paint 85-93
Semi gloss white 75-80
Flat yellow 70-80
Aluminum foil 70-75
Black less than 10
I wouldn't buy any of Cervantes books at gun point, but this is a decent reference.
Mylar emergency blankets are terrible. They're too thin, creased, allow light to pass through, and wear out like cheap underwear. If you're going to use mylar, buy the thicker 2-10mil material and laminate it to a flat surface.
Flat white paint is durable, easy to clean, highly reflective, and in contrast to mylar or it's bastard cousin, aluminum foil, provides diffused light.
But this is all for naught, because it's just a bloody pepper plant

Every single aspect of a grow doesn't have to be the best, use what you have, or don't. A loss of a bit of light and yield = meh.