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Interesting Batch of Peppers at a Produce Market - Hmmm

OK, this was weird. There's a hole in the wall Mediterranean grocery mart a 1/2 mile from my house. I usually buy eggplant there for a recipe I make. Well, I walked in there and I see a basket full of odd miscellaneous pods. $1.49 per pound. Very interesting grab bin. I shuffled through it and just decided to take some of everything for kicks. Cost me $1.05 for all. So now....they are called the 'Mystery 16 pods from the Mediterranean Market'. Fun, huh?

Here's the goods:








Number 4 should be called the Eckhart Pepper (the bottom of the pepper bears a strong resemblance to actor Aaron Eckhart's chin).
#6 looks like cherry bomb

if you cut them and tehre is like a BEEP LOAD of seeds that's probably something like that.

nice finding :)
the yellow ones look like a Lebonese species i ate once got it from a friend at the Allentown farmer market not very hot but had an OK flavor

not sure but look exactlly like it :?:

this could be a clue what to look for :idea:
the pointed red one looks like a Pimento if its sweet its either Pimento or Sweet Apple :?:

thanks your friend Joe
I'm guessing these were either locally grown by a family member running the store or imported. I've never seen a mix like this in any bin. Kind of cool. I've grown a lot of peppers over the years and some of these still seem unique to me. :) I'm looking forward to tasting a few. I'll be making more trips here now. lol.

Chris, you would be the one to find 15 mystery peppers at a local market :lol:
Nice finds my friend.
keep us posted on flavors!
I just went through all 16 peppers this morning. I'm pretty happy with these actually. Lots of interesting flavors and varying heat levels. The diversity is much more than anticipated. I'm not a huge annuum fan (outside of pequin/bird types and thai varieties), but a few won me over. Mystery pepper #2 is an incredible scorcher. I took a big bite thinking it would be sweet. OMG was I wrong. My mouth hurt for over 10 minutes!!! #16 great flavor and medium heat. I think I need to ask the market staff exactly where they 'pulled' them in from. :)
