seeds Interesting problem with seedlings

Well something has happened to some of my seedlings, killed off about 20 of my seedlings overnight, they were fine then I came back the next day and they were withered with leaves curled up and other dried at the tips. 
Another tray has for some reason stopped growing at all, they are stunted and have been sprouted since december 17th, i've never had it happen to an entire flat before!
Here are some photos.
Any help would be awesome! 


I have 4 flats under a 6 bulb T8 fixture putting out about 17,000 lumens. it's 7" from the top of the plants. I use fish ferts when they get a bit bigger and actually get leaves, but the ration is 1/4 of regular dose. so I'm scratching my head as to what could be the problem. I pulled up one plug and noticed white larvae in the stunted flat, could this be the problem. I've never really had an issue with soil before since I make it myself.
 My soil is moist buy not "wet" or soaking, the stunted growth tray was a bit wet the other day so I have taken it out of it's tray bottom to dry out a bit. I'm not seeing much root growth so I'm wondering it I have something that is eating the roots and this is causing their problem.
Thanks! I'll replant them tomorrow in fresh new soil. I'm just wondering if I should use some type of pesticide on the roots or just clean them really well before repotting. 
Yup going to transplant them tomorrow and see if that does anything, This year I used tray without drainage holes so I think that's causing a lot of my issue. 
I actually switched to 3 oz solo cups with no drainage holes for seedlings. With room temps and fan I have to worry more about drying out than anything.
My lids have air holes in them but the bottom flats have no drainage and I think it's fungus gnats that I have, just went down to the greenhouse (yes at 1:45 in the morning) to check it out and it's fungus gnat larvae causing the stunted growth and other issues. So I'm looking for some ways to kill them tomorrow!
1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 4 parts water! They are dead tomorrow... I've never had an infestation of these before so this is all new to me, but now I can kill these little shits accordingly. 
Not on my seedlings once they are in the 4" pots, but when they are in the flats they have vented lids I use. I used some BTI on them today earlier, went back a bit ago and can already see some dead ones in the soil, made me quite happy!