Interesting Read: Spiciest foods in the world.

7 pot powder will make any dish as hot as any mentioned in the article.

Take some hot wings from applebees, add some 7 pot and they are suddenly world class hot.

It is one thing to just be "hot", it is more difficult to make something super hot, but delicious as well.

Interesting read though, I especially liked how she cited specific peppers in each dish. (for the most part ;))

I am interested to see if the bhut is really hotter than the 7 pot. I have serious doubts.
Saw the same article, it was a great read. Reminded me of this place in Pittsburgh that had the Clucking Hot Wings that only 6 people (12 yrs ago) ever completed the whole dish....
dunno if i'd class the PHAL the hottest dish in the world, i'll say it is a fav Indian dish of mine and i have tried it from many different Indian restaurants and not once have i fail to finish it (unless it was really not up to standard not because of heat) saying that i've tasted sauces that are hotter than any phal i've had, but all said and done a phal is still pretty hot!!!!
hot is relative to the person eating it. ;)

buddy an i just split one of my Burkina EBiL HaBz that was like 2.5"x 1"...after a bunch of R&R was had...and he survived an sais was nice. Took some home to anihilate hsi roommate. :>

97% of ppl woulda been thinking they were gonna hehehehe.

Even I forgot the power of those bastids...made me choak for a sec or two. Naughty evil chiles.
Lol, I too was choking down some heat with some sudz.

The 7 POT powder was a little caked, and DUMPED out on my fajitas (nearly a tbsp on 2 fajitas........)

I added some frank's hot sauce to lubricate it and cool it down, but DEAR GOD it was hot. Face melting HOT.

I overwintered that bitch, god help me!;)
cheezydemon said:
Lol, I too was choking down some heat with some sudz.

The 7 POT powder was a little caked, and DUMPED out on my fajitas (nearly a tbsp on 2 fajitas........)

I added some frank's hot sauce to lubricate it and cool it down, but DEAR GOD it was hot. Face melting HOT.

I overwintered that bitch, god help me!;)

That's funny.:lol:

Yeah, that 7 pot powder is ridiculous. A little bit goes a loooong way. I too have one of those overwintered beatchs.....