Interesting variation

I have a line of 7 Pot Burgundy that I have tried to keep over the past 3 years. My best attempt at this, at present is my 2 year old 7 Pot Burgundy bonchi candidate plant.  

I grew OP seed from this plant this year and was puzzled when one of my plants exhibited purple stems and leaves during early development. I opted to allow the plant to continue for curiosities sake and that decision has led to the following.

I recently harvested the first ripened pods shown next.

The following are 7PB pods from my matriarch plant. Disregard the ch Primos also pictured in the group pic.

Oh, and incidentally, I have decided to keep this plant as well as clone it for future stabilization. The pods are subtley sweet up front with a short lived bitterness that is followed by a tobacco-y back of the throat taste. Not really super hot heat but respectable just the same. I have only consumed 2 pods so far so the jury is still deliberating on heat potential. The heat is not stingy  in any way but more of a hot coal in the mouth type burn and stays tip and side of tongue and lips. It is best decribed as biting into a piza right out of the oven or taking a swig of REALLY hot coffee. (that burn you are left with afterword).
I had a severe stink bug and horn worm problem this year and lost a lot of peppers from other plants.This plant was not even touched by them.
Decided to bring tuis plant in and keep it going all winter.If it is fetetmined later that these peppers are going to amount to something, I have the mother plant as well as a good as ource of clone material Hope to be trying the flakes soon. Still have so many fresh pods I have no idea when I will get that chance.
J.H.Skarby said:
It looks so pretty, wow!
I hope you will have a nice harvest from the plant :D
Not a huge harvest, but a continuation from last year. Will be growing second generation crop in 2020 in hopes of securing genetics to carry forth the cross and more solidly establish it. I also for now, will cut back the parent and overwinter it again until I can get viable offspring.