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Intersting Piquins (new variety?)

Well, something got crossed down the line and now the Piquin's are producing HUGE and fat peppers. The plant looks the same but are huge peppers. I'm going to go ahead and say I'll plant a few next year to make sure it's stable then I'll pass out seeds and call it "Passow's Piquin"


The one on the left is a normal Piquin, the one on the right is a Passow's Piquin.
so maybe it will be Passows Seasoning Pepper? New chili powder additive?
IGG..is that the same batch of seeds you gave me? Mine are just starting to fruit. The one with the least blossoms has 34 peppers on it. The one with the most blossoms has 15..and it bloomed first. Mutants I tell ya'. Once I get some color in the pequins other than green, I'll post some pics of the "other" Passow pequins.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
IGG..is that the same batch of seeds you gave me? Mine are just starting to fruit. The one with the least blossoms has 34 peppers on it. The one with the most blossoms has 15..and it bloomed first. Mutants I tell ya'. Once I get some color in the pequins other than green, I'll post some pics of the "other" Passow pequins.

Cheers, TB.

Nope the ones you have are the Piqranos (also a new breed). I discovered they are stable this year and are ready for distibution. Post a pic of em now and I'll varifiy if the trates are the same as my control plant.
imaguitargod said:
Nope the ones you have are the Piqranos (also a new breed). I discovered they are stable this year and are ready for distibution. Post a pic of em now and I'll varifiy if the trates are the same as my control plant.

Dude...the pods are too small yet...largest around 1/2 inch but most a 1/4 or less. Hopefully by Monday.

Cheers, TB.
I was going to try to get seed, but I think I'm physically worn out picking pequins / tepins for a few years. I grew 50 varieties or so of these types and I'm ready for the pods to end. Picking gallons of these pods is a chore! I froze tons so I'm good. :)

One pequin I really like is called Pequin from Puerto Vallarte. It grows into a huge tree like plant with endless pod. It would do better in a long season climiate. I'm overwintering. There really are so many interesting types of pequins / tepins. Another stunning one is Wahiro Indian Chiltepin. Don't ask where I get all this crazy stuff. lol.


imaguitargod said:
Nope the ones you have are the Piqranos (also a new breed). I discovered they are stable this year and are ready for distibution. Post a pic of em now and I'll varifiy if the trates are the same as my control plant.
stuff happening like this is the reason i winter my plants, so i can keep a pure strain going; although dont get me wrong i think cross pollinating is a great way to mix attributes, but im worried about losing the plants individual charectoristics
You can put me on that list for seeds, pequins are my favorite pepper. I have a pretty large one that is 3 years old on my balcony. If anyone wants some of these seeds, this is one I bought at an organic nursery in Belton, TX that specializes in native plants. Its such an amazing pepper, you treat it like a rose bush and cut it back when the frost kills it, then it sprouts back bigger and stronger next spring.
Nice plant. I would take you up on the seed offer but as of right now I am really going overboard in terms of the room I had allocated for plants and the amount of plants I will have.
By the way, cute cat.
Basil looks good. I am thinking about getting a dwarf type next season. It is amazing how great that stuff smells fresh.
imaguitargod said:
How far do you cut your's back and do you leave it out in the cold?

I cut it back to just a few inches above the soil. It had kind of formed this thicker woody base the way a rose bush does. I just wait for it to die off from the cold, cut it back and leave it outside. Then in the spring time when it warms up I start watering it again and when it shows growth mix in some fertilizer.

I can go outside and take a picture of the base if you want.
how cold does it get in texas? i wish there was a variety of pepper that would come back each year up here in vermont...