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Intersting Piquins (new variety?)

imaguitargod said:
Well, something got crossed down the line and now the Piquin's are producing HUGE and fat peppers. The plant looks the same but are huge peppers. I'm going to go ahead and say I'll plant a few next year to make sure it's stable then I'll pass out seeds and call it "Passow's Piquin"


The one on the left is a normal Piquin, the one on the right is a Passow's Piquin.

"Passow's Piquin" i like it has ring to it and you gotta love Piquins just great pod providers all season and great value plants that give so much back :)
Txclosetgrower said:
I can go outside and take a picture of the base if you want.
If you want to, go for it!

Interesting pequin cross but I don't see how it can be stable if its an f1 hybrid
Never said it was stable ;) I'm going to breed it again next year and see if it's stable.
Sid03SVT said:
how cold does it get in texas? i wish there was a variety of pepper that would come back each year up here in vermont...

We get a few freezes but it never stays frozen for more than a few days. Probably lowest it ever gets is upper 20s, and that is very rare. A lot of times we don't get our first freeze until february :shocked: It did snow in April last year though......which is weird considering it never snows during winter.

imaguitargod said:
Never said it was stable ;) I'm going to breed it again next year and see if it's stable.

Well, you know that clones stay true to the plant.....just sayin... ;)