This is my formal introduction. I am Victor Traves from Texas. White boy believe it or not (I have been called Victor Travez more times than I can count in Texas). I grow soil (not doing well at the moment) and hydroponics (doing better than soil). The weather has been back and forth causing transplant shock etc. outside this year. I have been growing hot peppers for awhile now (5 years). I am 23 years old and enjoy fishing,beer brewing,knife making, hot peppers, tomatoes, muscle cars, poison dart frogs, snakes, lizards, salamanders, good beer (Santa Fe) (Tall Grass) (Rogue) (Sierra Nevada) (Flying Dog)and have toured several microbreweries but still like Coors Original and Miller Lite in the summer. I have a 1970 El Camino and a 1980 Suzuki Lj80 (have to look it up I am the only one in the tri-state area with one). How is that for an intro Here are a few pics of my hydroponics system (General Hydroponics Waterfarm) running 400 ppm with 3 part GH Flora Series. The foil is only temporary until I can get some coir fiber mat to contain the splash of the drip system. I am growing a Mucho Nacho Jalapeño and a White Habanero in hydro. The Habs are the smaller ones and I am going to pick the one on the right to move to the center eventually, they grow so much slower than the jalapenos. I am 4 weeks from seed at this point. The chewed up looking leaves on the jalapeño are from a seed case holding on to the leaves, not bugs.