business-legal iPad3 for Pepper Business, a good idea ? Post your stories here...

This seems like a good time to introduce this since the iPad3 was just released.
First, does anyone who runs a pepper business use one ? Success stories,
creative use with apps and time saving techniques at running your business
are welcomed as well.

The graphics look awesome, and are sure to attract interest at Trade Shows.
There are some folks here who have exquisite pictures of their plants and peppers,
and I can image that can't hurt their business showing them to potential customers.

A new way to work...


P.S. Noted PepperJam , iPad3, and corrected.
Its actually ipad 3rd generation. Any would would look good on retina display. :)

Fixed it thanks, that display looks awesome, and the ease of use without steep learning is cool too.
Apple sold 55 million of them last year and predicts in 4 years that it will one day replace laptop
and desktop computers. Will have to wait and see.

Fixed it thanks, that display looks awesome, and the ease of use without steep learning is cool too.
Apple sold 55 million of them last year and predicts in 4 years that it will one day replace laptop
and desktop computers. Will have to wait and see.

It's hard to replace laptops and desktops with a device that can't be set up without syncing to a laptop or desktop. I have an iPad2 and enjoy using it, but it's annoying that it can't be used completely independently of my laptop. Creating an app might be a good way to get customers, but I wouldn't expect to run a business off of it.
From today

In the land of corporate tablets, Apple’s iPad is king.

That’s what a recent survey of just over 1,600 business technology buyers concluded. The study, conducted by ChangeWave Research, found that 22 percent of respondents were planning to buy tablet computers during the second quarter of 2012. And of those tablet-hungry companies, 84 percent are going to go with Apple’s iPad. That’s the “highest level of corporate iPad demand ever seen in a ChangeWave survey,” the company said Thursday. The iPad has been popular for awhile. A year ago, the iPad was already the most popular choice in corporate IT. Back then, 79 percent of companies that were adopting tablets said they were going with the iPad.


The iPad started getting taken seriously by corporate technology departments about two years ago, and in the last nine months it’s started to gain serious traction in many large companies, says Chris Ciabarra, the CTO of Revel Systems, a company that sells iPad-based point-of-sale systems. Two years ago C-level executives were the early adopters, but now the demand is much more widespread as companies are starting to move corporate applications to Apple’s platform. “The executives definitely started it first, and then it kind of filtered down,” he says.

I could see the ipad as a supplement to an already established system built on a computer. I am pretty pro-apple (macs, iphones, ipads, appletv, ipods, etc) and love the iPad, but I still find it pretty difficult to fluently type and create documents, spreadsheets, etc. There are definitely programs out there that will make your life easier, but you could much easier create an Excel spreadsheet (for example) on your mac at home and then while you are in the nursery, kitchen, warehouse, you can edit it to reflect changes using iCloud.

The new features and empowerment of the tablet (more specifically the iPad) have allowed business owners to streamline their company. It is much easier to open up the inventory in front of the customer in the middle of the nursery and set aside 30 plants (or bottles of sauce) instead of saying, hey lets go back to my office and I can pull up the inventory and see what we can do for you. I think that they would work great if you have a computer to create your shells and have something to go back to at the end of the day, but if it is your sole means of business it can prove difficult.

Also, it is the iPad. Not the iPad3. Apple decided to drop the 3 prior to release and just call it the iPad. Dont ask me why, they are a multi-billion dollar company and can do what they want...

Lastly, I went into AT&T yesterday (to get a new iphone) and was greeted by someone with an iPad who put my info into it and then when there was an available rep I was called. They never talked, it all happened through their in-store system.