propogating-cloning Is an aeroponic system effectively the same as a cloning system

Hey all just a quick question. I understand the principle of both systems and to me it looks like they're practically the same thing, in terms of a pump pushing water up through nozzles to create streams of water that hit roots/cuttings. Would this be correct?
Its windy as crap down here and a Christmas ornament fell down and snapped off a branch from my Jalapeno plant. I stuck it into a glass of water but new stagnant water will just cause problems. I had all the parts to build my self an aeroponic system and managed to whip something up in about 10 minutes. Its now running throwing 6.0ph water at the cutting. I didn't have any of that foam stuff so I just made a hole in the bottom on a net pot and stuck the bottom of the cutting out through that and have some clay balls holding it in place.
Would this suffice to help develop a root basis? I don't know if I am meant to add any nutrients. Its about 25L of water and I only put a smidgen of chilli focus in the solution.
Yep, had a good look at this thread. Would have been great to use one bucket but I was in the process of building some different setups! Looks like its working, 24 hours since the branch snapped and its still alive and well. I had to pluck off some of the flowers on it so they don't waste energy. Hopefully roots emerge soon!
My only concern is the temperature. The water is on the warm side. Ontop of that, these totes are made from a non food grade plastic, they smell very plastic/chemically. I rinsed it out but its still got a smell of plastic and chlorine. I really need to get an airstone in there to help get oxygen into the water and break down that chlorine.
Hi Sarge. Dont know much about those two systems but whenever I break a branch off and i want to keep it, I pretty much treat it the same way as taking a cutting from a rose bush. Cut on a 45 degree angle just below a node, cut the branch to about 200mm long, remove all fully formed leaves, be carefull not to damage any new growth nubs that are forming and put in soil and resist the urge to over water it, but make sure the soil is damp. I have used rooting hormone before but cant really notice the difference, i get the same results when i dont use it. My cgn21500 is very brittle and wind snapped five branches off of it, did this, and now I have two of them growing just fine and three of my mates got an early chrissy present.
Sarge said:
Its windy as crap down here and a Christmas ornament 
For some reason I always forget it is still the same month and just the seasons are different for you guys... I was thinkin "Christmas!?! thats like six months away for you guys!"
oh and I had somthing similar happen many times. You can add h2o2 to the water if you just want to put it in water and not bother with more