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annuum Is Calabrian Diavolicchio difficult to grow from seed?

I like to cook with hot peppers and thought it would be fun to try and grow my own for cooking. Growing hot peppers from seeds is new to me. I have just planted some seeds indoors in containers a couple of weeks ago to transplant outside when it is warm enough. I live in Central Illinois, USA. The 3 varieties I have started are, Scotch Bonnet, Malawi Piquante & Sugar Rush Peach. They have all just sprouted. I wanted one other variety but had trouble finding seeds - Calabrian Diavolicchio. The seed supplier I ordered my other seeds from didn't have this. I did locate a seller and placed an order (from Pepper Johnny's on Etsy). But I noticed that this is outside of the United States. So I wondered why I didn't see more seed offerings in my area? Is this is a pepper that will grow in my area or will it not be good for my location? I am going to plant my pepper plants in large containers outside, in case that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for your help.
Here's a Diavolicchio plant from my past season. I would define it a "bullet proof" variety, you'll be pleased.

