• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Is gardening therapy?

I am sure you have heard the term 'self medicate'.  People wind up treating pain and psychological issues with various medications: drugs and alcohol.  Sometimes with no ill effect, often with horrific results.  I think it stands to reason some folk treat both physical and psychological challenges with sort of a self therapy approach. 

Physical Example - I am mowing the lawn with a riding mower, gathering up mulch for the garden.  It doesnt take much walking, but some, a little more each couple of days.  Then will start tilling, a little more each day.  If nothing else, doing something (anything) repairs the atrophy in my muscles from laying around.  It is the same as physical therapy where they make you do exercises, building a little each day.
Psychological Example - We all have self doubt that can be defeated by getting thing done.  Think of the size of a plant and the size of a seed.  You look at a plant and think: damn, I did that.  Yes, I now it is more mother nature but it is a damn good feeling. Maybe your boss dumps on you Monday threw Friday, but Saturday and Sunday you have a garden to build your confidence back up.

Wondering if anyone else has given this any thought or if folk might like to?  Does your garden make you feel good and does that feeling help you in other areas of your life?

I'm sure that probably everyone that grows a garden gets a good amount of pride and satisfaction when they look at their garden and see what it has become. I also believe that gardening can be very therapeutic. You are "unplugging" from the hustle & bustle of regular life and enjoying the peace associated with the garden. Just being "present" if you will.

There are also the therapeutic physical aspects of fine motorskill utilization in conjunction with the resistance type workout when hefting mulch, soil, pots, what have you.

I find that I really enjoy growing my pepper plants and that I really missed it when I was unable to do so.

P.S. As much as I like growing my pepper plants I love my dog more ;)
Its fun.Its therapuetic.From seed to harvest its amazing to learn each season as each season brings new lessons.Then its all out WAR !!! Aphids,mites and insects of every kind try and attack so grab your weapons dig a trench and stand by and wait...
I believe so! 
I find it very cathartic to come home from long work day and spend some relax time in the garden with a beverage. 
If your lucky, a pet might enjoy the time together as well!
Cheers to mental well being!
Gardening for me is lots of different things. It is therapeutic allowing me to relax. It is fun. It is rewarding. It is enjoyable. It is full of anticipation. It brings satisfaction. It also brings similar things to friends and family. They enjoy spending time out in the garden sitting by the firepit or patio and talking.
Anything thats fun is therapeutic, boots the immune system, Gardening has a long history of being therapeutic, could be just that one connects with nature. Plants in a home makes it more healthy.
I for one, actually got a shrink to recommend gardening to my commander.  All because I wanted to start my grow early last year in my barracks room before I finished my retirement process.  Unfortunately, she still shot it down...