seeds-germination Is it easy to bring seeds into U.S. from Mexico?

My niece is going to Mexico next month to visit a friend.  I can't remember the name of city.  Going
to send her a text msg and ask her.  I do know it's 2 hours from Acapulco, and I think it starts with 
a G.  I don't know if they have markets there, but if they do, I want to ask her to buy some peppers
and bring the seeds back with her.   I don't want her to do it if it will get her into any kind of trouble.
A friend just brought us some pods from mexico a few weeks ago. Don't know if she was allowed to but she did. Worse comes to worst, they would just confiscate them. I don't think pepper pods is real high on their list of contraband items. If at all.
Edmick said:
A friend just brought us some pods from mexico a few weeks ago. Don't know if she was allowed to but she did. Worse comes to worst, they would just confiscate them. I don't think pepper pods is real high on their list of contraband items. If at all.
Never offer advice without fact checking....Look at all the trouble Trump has with that ;) :

Individuals who fail to declare non-commercial agricultural items may be subject to penalties ranging from $1,100 to $60,000 per violation.

Well, my niece did bring me back some seeds.  She told me she declared them so not to get into trouble.  The only thing is they are serrano's.  I'm 
going to grow them anyway.  I like serrano's.  Her boyfriend's family is very poor.  They have cows and make cheese to sell.  She said they are a 
very loving family, and even though they are poor, they gave her some nice homemade gifts.  This is what my niece gave to me.  Delicious cheese
that they sell, vanilla she bought only $1, and some coconut oil made by her boyfriend's aunt in the water bottle.  It smells heavenly!  Can't wait to
use it.  I squeezed some out for my niece.

I cross the Mejican/US  border frequently and, unless your bringing a lot of anything, tell the folks you have a few chiles. I've never had them take the chiles I bring back.
They're looking for a major amount of stuff.
I don't know what happened to my pictures.  Now I have to figure out how to post pics.  Next time my niece goes, she shooting for August, I'll tell
her what you said Williard3, to tell them she has a few chili's.  Don't know if there is a market near their farm.  I know they live in Los Libres.  I want
local chili's not commercial.  I'll explain that to me niece later.
Wow, 3 grams of Serrano seeds, and I have 2 pks.  I'll never get through these.  I planted 6 seeds.