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Is it just me who gets furious?...

When I see kids doing dumb stuff like this?


To me it really damages chilli fans.. When these kids get rushed to hospital, there might be knock on effects for the rest of us. Really makes me mad.

Why has a minor got a shank like that too?
What ways in which do you feel that it damages fans? It appears that its just some kids doing what kids do best, making poor decisions! I dont believe the average person would look down on the industry as a result of a poor actions of a child. Is that what you were saying? Not sure if I misinterpreted :o)

Xo Nicole
For example, such videos by people more articulate and informative may get restrictions..

Buying seeds, pods and sauces might become more difficult for adults.

I know every generation has its pressures, kid ends up in hospital cause he copied something on tv or something ozzy osbourne did etc.. I don't wanna see kids get hurt by attempting to copy something that i/we all have a passion for!

P.s didn't know if this is the right sub forum to post in. Apologies if mods object.
Ohh I see what you're saying. Hopefully it doesnt get to that point of having to restrict. If it becomes an issue...just stock up!!! Ha
well look at the poor decisions people are trying to make cuz of mentally deficient people, goverment is loosing focus on real issus and trying to tell law abiding citisens there magazines are to full or there rifle is military lookin or that a 223 is a devastating round next thing you know serranos will be weapon grade assalt peppers even having seeds will carry heavy fines and jail time, :high: i do feel your pain george j even off subject please forgive me,
Better that two kids with their hormones pumped up eating hot peppers at home than on the street somewhere planning retribution against someone or doing drugs. The knife part bothers me somewhat, but I've known a lot of kids that had knives, so the shock value is not as strong with me as it would be to someone else that didn't grow up on the mean streets of LA., I would be more worried if he started flashing a gun.
I think they may not be so eager to eat some hot peppers the next time around, now that they have a idea just what it takes to eat one. At worst they might dare their buddies to try one, so at worst some one else might get a bad mouth burn from a pepper.
I doubt that anyone would Ban eating hot peppers at a certain age as it would most likely just cause more kids to try them.
I have a 16 year old grand daughter that ate a ghost peppers last year and even took some to school because some of the Boys wanted to try eating them, they and her are not aloud to take peppers to school any more and the boys have since learned that they were not as tough as they thought they were.
Me? Just 3 seconds into the video..... Aw hell no!!! Must press the ESC button ASAP!!!
There done I just avoided getting pissed ;). The thing these kids want is attention, and the more they get, the more they're gona keep doing stupid shit like that. Just that, good day everyone :).
Huh. I don't see the problem. It's cool imo they are eating hot chiles. I have no idea why they would restrict peppers over minors eating them. Nobody even puked.
The thing that worries me is, there's no appreciation or respect for them cause straight away they are glugging milk!
I ate a whole jays ghost scorpion a few days back, I handled the heat well in my mouth - but when it hit my stomach I had cramps for a couple minutes, not too bad but I ate a banana before it got worse. And no I didn't film it.

So cause they are drinking so much milk they think 'that was easy, let's eat two next time'. 2 hit their stomach, someone call an ambulance!

Yeah when I have kids, if they touch daddys peppers they will suffer more from the consequences than the capsaicin!

Concerned also how they managed to get hold of them? Are their parents letting them just use their card online without supervision, or are they actually supporting these Dumbasses?

I had a penknife when I was young, lived in the countryside so we could Whittle wood etc... It was a standard 3 inch Swiss army knife. That's a f'ing flick knife he's got! They're illegal in alot of countries and I can't see what possible need for one he has. Not cool.

I'm gonna be so strict with my kids, I don't want them being like them!
2 dudes pushing the envelope of what they like to push.

These 2 kids were eating a hot pepper. They had bread, milk, pukebucket, they were prepared. They knew what the chile could do and had stuff on standby.

Now- flash-forward to the 12 year old, clad in the snow suit, poised at the top of the run with a flat board strapped to his feet. How's the snow today, what's the moisture content, I've never run a BlackDiamond before but I wanna SHREDD that SLOPE...Dad told me Not2, but WTF! I'm Invincible!!!! I'm doing It ANYWAY!!!

as the kid takes off down the snowy slope and ventures out of the "marked boundaries"... ... will the story have a hap0y ending or be another memorial?
while these 2 dude-(ettes) have something to learn about actually"reviewing" a chile, they are fine on the "stoopid" index. There are a TONNE of vids of adults eating hot chiles that are way stupider (is that even a word? "moreStupid"? "stoopider"? ) for eating hot chiles or hot sauces.
while these 2 dude-(ettes) have something to learn about actually"reviewing" a chile, they are fine on the "stoopid" index. There are a TONNE of vids of adults eating hot chiles that are way stupider (is that even a word? "moreStupid"? "stoopider"? ) for eating hot chiles or hot sauces.
How was that a review? I learned NOTHING! Apart from that these kids are dumb.

Obviously they can't do a review, cause their palate only know what French fries, Cola and hersheys tastes like - jays ghost scorpion taste nothing like that!

I don't watch reviews to find out how hot something is. I can look at numbers and rankings for that (which their other video about ranking fails to do with quantifiable data).
I watch a review to learn about burn profile, aroma taste, texture etc. They fail hard at this, but that's not the part that infuriates me.

Either they are gonna get hurt or they will dare some other kid and they'll get hurt - that's my main gripe.

The snowboarding analogy is all good. Applies to alot of things, but being a chilli forum I assumed a few more people who have eaten ultra hots might agree it's not a game.

They are weapons grade peppers, not jolly ranchers.
Lol...I would have done the same thing when I was their age. My 11yo is working his way up. Got up to a Goat's Weed last season. Maybe a Hab this year???

I have had a ton of young kids hit me up asking for pods/powder...I say no, but I suppose there is nothing stopping me or anyone else from giving super hot peppers to kids besides our conscience...
The good thing is, you are letting your kid do it - with supervision and guidance. It's admirable.

We do stupid things when we don't have knowledge or tutorial of the consequences, so your kid should grow up just fine. I'm gonna let my kids have spice, but not eat ultras. Particularly not have flick knifes!