• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Is it just me who gets furious?...

When someone brings up the possibility of outlawing chilies, I usually respond with something humorous. However, in this case, let's just try to imagine if outlawing chilies is even possible. Which ones would be outlawed? How would a law about chilies be enforced? What would be the punishment or fine? Who's going to train the authorities so that they are able to identify individual chilies? At what threshold or what amount of capsaicin in a chili be cause for becoming illegal, and who is going to be able to measure the capsaicin? And what politician would be so...Stupid as to try and ban chilies in an area with a large ethnic population whose cuisine involves chilies, like here in Tucson?

If chilies or certain types of chilies get banned here in Tucson, I can guarantee you that nobody will pay attention. Tucson's police are so overstretched that they now rarely get involved in traffic citations, and it takes forever to have one show up when you need them unless it is an absolute emergency. They don't have time to worry about the little, petty stuff anymore.
Yeah, banning plants is a stupid idea that really can't work. ;)

And we all know our government wouldn't ever impose a law that they couldn't enforce... they would end up spending trillions, and still make no headway. They can't be that dumb. :rolleyes:

I think they should legalize peppers, and tax them. :rofl:

Wait... what are we talking about again? :high:
Yeh its easily got around, but the actual industry might suffer should it ever happen.

For example, there's already restrictions on pure capsaicin in certain countries.. And limits on scoville units in some (or is that an urban myth?)

I'm glad I'm growing on the second floor and the street isn't directly below - to a kid, I bet a butch t looks like a yummy strawberry like fruit. I'd hate to be responsible for a kid eating one..
The one thing to remember too George is that kids post dumb videos to youtube in hopes of going viral, or at least getting a bunch of views. Posting their link here and getting them more views will only encourage them to do more dumb stuff.

Tucson's police are so overstretched that they now rarely get involved in traffic citations, and it takes forever to have one show up when you need them unless it is an absolute emergency. They don't have time to worry about the little, petty stuff anymore.
Same all over...out here they won't show up to an accident unless there are injuries, or the car is incapacitated in a spot creating a significant danger. They absolutely will not pull you over during peak traffic hours unless you are seriously endangering others.
The one thing to remember too George is that kids post dumb videos to youtube in hopes of going viral, or at least getting a bunch of views. Posting their link here and getting them more views will only encourage them to do more dumb stuff.

By the looks of the View Numbers for that video, it looks like they are getting the attention they want.
Has gone from 26 Views to 113 Views since only yesterday when this Topic was posted
That's a better increase than some of the review videos posted on this site.
Bet a good bit of those views were from THP members.
They even have been given advice in their comments as to what to do to make it easier in a sense.
Yep, bet you see more videos from them now they are getting the attention they wanted.
Hadn't thought about that at all.. Forget how YouTube records views. Damn!

I'll go say some hail Marys and put in some charity work to try repent.

Looks like they decided to delete the comments I left anyway ;)