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Is it possible to grow hydro without meters?

I would like to screw around with dwc, but I can't really afford to spend money on gear, especially expensive meters and calibrating fluid. So I guess I was wondering if anyone out there grows peppers hydroponically without all the bells and whistles you're suposed to have?
i went a long time with a PH up & down kit and the testing bottle and fluid that came with it. and just used the table that was on my bottle of nutes for the PPM and it worked till saved for a decent PH and PPM meter. you can do it, but you should at least get a cheap PH testing kit as PH is where your plants will uptake the nutes
i screwed around last year and built a little dwc and dint have the meters and such and it is still grown and producing peppers i just buy distilled water when i mix the nuts use cfl lights nothing big i got the plans off youtube
If you want hydro to work well, you will have both a Ph and a ppm meter.

If you try it without, your next posts will all concern Ph and ppm problems.
You need the right tool to do the job properly and you need to know where your source water is at to start with. You don't need expensive meters right away but they sure are nice.
Yes. You you need decent measuring cups etc. when mixing nutes and you probably won't have any problems. But you'll have to use new stuff every couple of weeks to not have a build up of concentration.
I have been starting some plants in hydro with just a ph test kit and basically guessing at the ferts. I definitely am not seeing the results the people with experience are getting. I am going to make the purchase of some meters later this year.
I have been starting some plants in hydro with just a ph test kit and basically guessing at the ferts. I definitely am not seeing the results the people with experience are getting. I am going to make the purchase of some meters later this year.
basically guessing isn't the way to do it. Typically hydro nutes are WAY lower in the NPT marks. for example, you get ferts at the nursery and the NPT could read 12-12-12, that same nute in hydro, might read, .02-.06-.02. Hydro is a WAY different ballgame.

and read the feed charts, when it tells you to do 13 ML of Part A, 13 ML of part B, 3.7 ML of drip clean, etc...you do JUST THAT! I have a plethera of House and Garden nutes, and they are my favorite hydro line out there by far!
basically guessing isn't the way to do it. Typically hydro nutes are WAY lower in the NPT marks. for example, you get ferts at the nursery and the NPT could read 12-12-12, that same nute in hydro, might read, .02-.06-.02. Hydro is a WAY different ballgame.

and read the feed charts, when it tells you to do 13 ML of Part A, 13 ML of part B, 3.7 ML of drip clean, etc...you do JUST THAT! I have a plethera of House and Garden nutes, and they are my favorite hydro line out there by far!

I don't think basically guessing was an accurate statement, I do use the charts on my fert and follow them. However, my nutrient levels on any given day that isn't a "change" day is basically a guess.
For chiles I generally use 1/4 to 1/2 of what most manufacturers recommends but you never know where you're at for sure without a meter
For chiles I generally use 1/4 to 1/2 of what most manufacturers recommends but you never know where you're at for sure without a meter

Exactly, I am aware that is why I am not seeing the results some others are getting. Definitely buying a ppm meter this year. I have been checking in on a bhut plant at my local hydro shop, it looks great and they are running it at something like 1500 ppm.
I have been using these new chelated nutes ( advanced nutrients 3 part) and they actually do keep the PH right around 6.3 without any PH down needing to be added. Of course I only know this because I test each batch with a PH meter.

As for ppm, thats kinda a crap shoot if you don't know the initial TDS reading of your water source. If you don't want to spring for a couple meters, I'm guessing you don't want to spend $ for a RO filter.

but to answer your question, I did start out years ago just following the nutrient measurements on the bottle and had tons of PH issues until I bought a proper tester.
I have been using these new chelated nutes ( advanced nutrients 3 part) and they actually do keep the PH right around 6.3 without any PH down needing to be added. Of course I only know this because I test each batch with a PH meter.

As for ppm, thats kinda a crap shoot if you don't know the initial TDS reading of your water source. If you don't want to spring for a couple meters, I'm guessing you don't want to spend $ for a RO filter.

but to answer your question, I did start out years ago just following the nutrient measurements on the bottle and had tons of PH issues until I bought a proper tester.

Yes advanced is the only way to go without a meter.

"As for ppm, thats kinda a crap shoot"

Advanced is ph perfect and ppm if you can believe it?

I like soilless drain to waste.
I have been using these new chelated nutes ( advanced nutrients 3 part) and they actually do keep the PH right around 6.3 without any PH down needing to be added. Of course I only know this because I test each batch with a PH meter.

As for ppm, thats kinda a crap shoot if you don't know the initial TDS reading of your water source. If you don't want to spring for a couple meters, I'm guessing you don't want to spend $ for a RO filter.

but to answer your question, I did start out years ago just following the nutrient measurements on the bottle and had tons of PH issues until I bought a proper tester.

I have been waiting for someone to review these nutes they aren't here yet.

I think most people's water is good enough that if you do nutes half strength you don't have to worry about ppm too much. I fill a jug of water from my work so I don't have to buy RO.

The PH thing is important and I have tried a few nutes and all thus far have drift. Be it a meter or the drops you have to see what is going on. I can't read the strips with any accuracy.

I am so excited about PH perfect. I hope it works well for me.