drying-smoking Is it possible to use the seeds from a dried New Mexican red chile ristra?


Every time I go to New Mexico, I always pick up a red chile ristra. The New Mexico red chile has an incredible depth of flavor and it one of my favorite peppers. 
Anyhow, one of these ristras contains hundreds, if not thousands of seeds. Last one I got, I saved a handful of them and planted a few. As far as I know, the peppers are air-dried in the desert and haven't been dehydrated.. Are these seeds viable? Does anybody else have any experiences growing New Mexican reds from dried pods? 
They look ripe, and you mentioned they were air dried, so I don't see why not. You should be fine germinating these seeds, as long as they are not crushed.
Hey Hello from up I-35 and to the left a little bit.
yeah those should be fine air dried. post a note if they don't pop for you. Happy to send some other NM seeds your way if you need em!
yep!  air dried should be fine with the seeds. You might want to check to see if the pods come from hybrid seeds  as they will throw out a bunch of different shaped pods.