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Is it time to start feeding?

I'm fairly new to growing hot peppers. I attempted to start some seeds outdoors a few seasons ago, and had a run in with some grasshoppers. This season I started some reaper seeds in a jiffy tray then transferred them to solo cups with some seed starting mix once they sprouted. They've been hanging out in a sunny window for a few weeks and I'm wondering if I should start fertilizing these little guys yet. Any guidance would be much appreciated.


so far that's really all I've have going is a sunny window. My intention is to eventually move them into containers and outdoors.
Freechips said:
I'm fairly new to growing hot peppers. I attempted to start some seeds outdoors a few seasons ago, and had a run in with some grasshoppers. This season I started some reaper seeds in a jiffy tray then transferred them to solo cups with some seed starting mix once they sprouted. They've been hanging out in a sunny window for a few weeks and I'm wondering if I should start fertilizing these little guys yet.
They look good man, I doubt they need fertilized yet. Check the soil you started them in and see if it has some nutrients already, they look unbelievably great if no nutes in the soil!

Also, clear containers supposedly cause root damage to the plant if exposed to sunlight. You may want to read a bit more into that theory.
PepperAaron said:
They look good man, I doubt they need fertilized yet. Check the soil you started them in and see if it has some nutrients already, they look unbelievably great if no nutes in the soil!

Also, clear containers supposedly cause root damage to the plant if exposed to sunlight. You may want to read a bit more into that theory.
I consulted the bag but it's pretty vague, it only states that there is 50-60% peat moss, vermiculite, coir and lime for ph. I have read some about clear cups and how they may cause root damage and allow algae growth. I'll probably switch the outter cups to opaque. New cups are cheap enough and readily available. Thanks for advice!
I used the Jiffy mix last year. It has no nutes in it. You can start fertilizing with a half strength solution or you can mix up a quarter strength solution and use that each time you water.
Freechips said:
I consulted the bag but it's pretty vague, it only states that there is 50-60% peat moss, vermiculite, coir and lime for ph. I have read some about clear cups and how they may cause root damage and allow algae growth. I'll probably switch the outter cups to opaque. New cups are cheap enough and readily available. Thanks for advice!
If theres no nutes you could start a low strength feeding soon, I personally dont think they need fed just yet they look fine

Sams club has a 270 or so pack of red cups that was on sale for six bucks a few weeks ago
Ok new development. Since I lasted posted I've been watching them pretty closely and today I found these leaves on two of the plants. I haven't added any nutes.Any ideas what has caused this?


After doing some reading I suspect I overwatered these ones. I emptied the outter cups of what little water they had to hopefully let some of the water drain from the mix.
Freechips said:
Yes I have been putting the water in the outter cup so I can water from the bottom
Unfortunately i'm not familiar with bottom-watering so I don't know how to control over-watering with that approach. I wait until they get slightly wilty with my solo cups and then fill it completely with the sink (I cut holes in the bottom). 
If it's a deficiency you might do some keyword searches with 'center vein yellow'. Sorry I can't be more help.
rickster said:
get them babies in their permanent home and start Harding off outside. i would give a 1/2 mixture of fish emulsion at next watering

Thanks for the advice I did actually move them into 3 gallon smart pots and I planted them in Fox Farms Ocean Forrest. Do you (or anyone else) think that this will be ok or is the OF going to too hot for them at this point?
Spicy Mushroom said:
Unfortunately i'm not familiar with bottom-watering so I don't know how to control over-watering with that approach. I wait until they get slightly wilty with my solo cups and then fill it completely with the sink (I cut holes in the bottom). 
If it's a deficiency you might do some keyword searches with 'center vein yellow'. Sorry I can't be more help.
Hey I appreciate it anyway, SM thanks for the tip