Is my Carolina reaper plant dying?

For my own plants I have focused on a balance of npk at low levels until a foot, then I shifted to higher levels as plants accelerated. Once the pods start to show up all over the plant then I shift to bloom formula, minimizing n, with maintained pk. I also only use nute once, then water three times.this has helped to minimize nutrient buildup. I also water until plant flushed out minimal amount of water 10-15 percent. This also lets me know the soil at bottom is very moist. If you water without runoff, how do you know bottom roots got the proper watering? I also let them rest until grow bags they are in start to dry out. For me, its every three days watering right now. Plants are over two feet, but Im in Reno, and it has been 60s mostly in days, so they come in at night.
It sounds like your mixture is good. Watering session may need to increase to point of minimal spill out. Unless your plant is exploding with growth and roots, maybe not as frequent of watering yet, but maybe Im wrong on that suggestion due to not knowing your area and day temps. Nights of high 40s have been fine for my plants, so if you are in 50s at night, leave them out.
jwmghf said:
I mixed my soil, aged cow manure and black coarse sand 1/3  x 1/3  x 1/3. I will take note of holding the camera sideways. Thanks!
The plant is in a much larger pot now. I think it's a 3 gallon pot.  I've been watering the plant every other day and I give it about 48oz. of water.  Seems to be enough.  No water comes out of the bottom of the pot, but I think that's enough water.  What do you think?  I did today see a bunch of new growth starting and I was thrilled!!!   I'm not out of the woods yet, I'll post some more pics this weekend.
I am using Seabird Guano fertilizer(0-11-0).  I also use a little Miracle grow plant food occasionally. And as stated above every couple of weeks a quick spray of epson salt 1Tlbs/1gallon of water. The Seabird fertilizer and epson salt are applied with a sprayer.
Should I bring the plant in when nighttime temps are around 57-60 degrees or is that ok?
Not sure what nutes are?  Please elaborate. 
Good talk and thanks!!!
Nute is just short for nutrient. Anyway, I'd have to agree and say it may be best to go with a more balanced choice for nutes. I'm personally using 5-1-1 fish fertilizer because the nitrogen could help in these early stages of growth (and because it's what I have). Adding guano is better than nothing but you also want to supplement N and K if possible.
Hey guys:
My plant took about 3 weeks to come back to life. But it did!!!  Thanks for all the advice.  I bought the Alaskan fish emulsion 5-1-1 and I'm running back out to pick it up now.  I am wondering if this is a spray on fert or a soil fertilizer?  And how often I should feed it?
People use it either way. I like to mix fish emulsion with kelp with water, then I put into soil. I do this once a month. For folder, I do epson once a month. To me, doing any more is like over applying and working for plants. They can get too much unless you minimize strength and plan frequency accordingly, ie. Once a week, this making it quarter strength.
Just like watering with nutes, I do water three times, then nutes, if needed. If you did your soil right with nutrient added, it minimizes work and maintenance later.
Good job.
jwmghf said:
I am wondering if this is a spray on fert or a soil fertilizer?  And how often I should feed it?
Soil, always.
Spray might give you some anecdotal benefit, but leaves are for photosynthesis and transpiration, and roots are for feeding.
Which kelp fertilizer do you use?  I'm looking at GS plant food liquid kelp natural seaweed fertilizer.  N-P-P = .3-0-.6 
Is that a good product to mix with Alaska fish fertilizer 5-1-1? 
For the Alaska Fish Fertilizer:
This is for just one plant in a 3 gallon container.  Is 1/2 teaspoon/32oz of water a good amount to pour into the soil?  I don't want to over apply and shock the plant. 
I have the fish solution in bottle and organic kelp single pound which I bought from Kelp 4 Less.
They lasts me a very long time.
jwmghf said:
Which kelp fertilizer do you use?  I'm looking at GS plant food liquid kelp natural seaweed fertilizer.  N-P-P = .3-0-.6 
Is that a good product to mix with Alaska fish fertilizer 5-1-1? 
This is for just one plant in a 3 gallon container.  Is 1/2 teaspoon/32oz of water a good amount to pour into the soil?  I don't want to over apply and shock the plant. 
Any seaweed formulation.  Almost any marine aquatic has every trace element that you'll need.  So pick one.  Alaska used to make one - not sure if they still do.  Neptune's Harvest still does.  In fact, if you want a good all-around in one bottle, just pick up Neptune's Harvest Fish and Seaweed.  Don't get too carried away with the NPK on that one.  There's more than just macronutrients to that stuff.  But also, don't get carried away on which one, either.  Get the standard.  Keep it simple. 
So how is the plant now? Did you figure out a routine for feeding and sunlight? Sounds like the new container was wise. When transplanting, Ive found that the initial low level dry nutrient mix to a good mix of soil type is good enough for approx a month while the ola t gets through its shock and recovery of roots and leaves.
Do you have a picture to show of its recent outcome?