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fermenting Is my latest fermented batch OK?

Hi all,
I just put a quart of fermented mash through the mill.  It had been fermenting for 17 months.  (I had forgotten about it.)  It looks good and smells fresh, with the usual lactic acid smell.  I tasted a teeny bit on a Frito.  It burned like fire (lots of habeneros in it) and tasted good.  No "off" flavor or aroma to me.
When I opened the fermenting jar (with airlock), there was a layer of (fuzzy) mold on top.  It peeled off in one piece.  I threw that away and dipped my ph meter into the mash and got a reading of 3.4.  That sounded good to me.  After I processed out the skin and the seeds, the ph actually went down to 3.1.
All of the above point to a safe sauce, but the layer of mold has got me a bit spooked.  Any insight from the experts here?
The Hot Pepper said:
Guys, he already threw it away. Moot point, unless you want to start new topic.
I did indeed, but I've also enjoyed reading all the responses and learning a few new things.  Until now, I hadn't realized that some molds produce toxins, perhaps that can survive in an acidic medium, that also can't be cooked out.
I wish I had taken pictures.
Thanks again to everyone who replied.
Really need pics to know for sure (check the pic posting tutorial here) but this could have been simply kham yeast and was harmless.  
What makes me think that is he said it came off in one piece.  If it was thin skinned with what looks like small air bubbles trapped underneath it was likely kham and though not very pretty it would not have ruined your ferment.
If on the other hand it was fuzzy and/or multiple colors then it was most definitely mold and should (correctly) be pitched. I have some old ferments (almost 2 years now) that I set a reminder in my phone to check the airlocks and refill once a month.  