I was a little disappointed to see that some factions of the Political Correctness movement have seen fit to sanitize a couple of Mark Twain's classic childhood novels.
They are apparently being 'cleaned up' by removing various racial references.
Though those references are not PC today, when these books were written, they were the societal norm.
But by whitewashing the words of these authors(Yes, other classic Novels are slated for the same censoring fate), isn't a slice of the historical context lost?
Maybe it's just me, but I think that the classical literature should be left alone.
These works have stood the test of time, and the act of sanitizing them, diminishes them, rather than adding much in the way of value.
As for these book's content, they are slice of life for the times they were written in, and editing them, removes some of that historical flavor.
They are apparently being 'cleaned up' by removing various racial references.
Though those references are not PC today, when these books were written, they were the societal norm.
But by whitewashing the words of these authors(Yes, other classic Novels are slated for the same censoring fate), isn't a slice of the historical context lost?
Maybe it's just me, but I think that the classical literature should be left alone.
These works have stood the test of time, and the act of sanitizing them, diminishes them, rather than adding much in the way of value.
As for these book's content, they are slice of life for the times they were written in, and editing them, removes some of that historical flavor.