breeding Is plant breeding extreme growing?

Here is a page of free plant breeding ebooks

(click to download)




Amateur Plant Breeder’s Handbook

A glossary of 1750 terms useful for the plant breeder. An excellent reference for readers of Return to Resistance.



Amateur Potato Breeder’s Manual

Specific, practical advice for the amateur breeder of potatoes, using the author’s horizontal resistance techniques.



Crop Histories

A fascinating exploration of the relationship between the evolution of human culture, and the development of agricultural crops through history.



Farming and Us

The history and development of agriculture, and its ties to human relationships and culture



Retorno de la Resistencia, El

Fitomejoramiento de los cultivos para reducir la dependencia de plaguicidas. The Spanish translation of Return to Resistance by Felipe Romero (Click for more).



Return to Resistance
(third edition)

Breed disease-resistant crop varieties to reduce pesticide dependency, using simple yet powerful techniques for amateur breeders.



Self-Organising Agro-Ecosystems

Plant breeding for continuously variable traits, including disease resistance. The technical companion volume to Return to Resistance.


Nice resources, greenman! I'll admit, I'm a few years off from even beginning some of this stuff, but it's good to know this stuff is out there!
Indeed! Although, I am seriously leaning towards calling my BBQ sauce Draugr BBQ Sauce if the taste tests come back positive. On the off-chance you may not know what a draugr is, it's the zombie of viking mythology, and it retains enough intelligence and memories of those who wronged it in life to delight in the torment of its victims :)
I'm way behind the curve. I figured I'd stick my ghosts next to my kung pao and then try saving the kung pao seeds to see if it ups their heat next year. That's about as fancy as I get.
I'm a purist. I'm mostly sticking to species pepperz and isolating them(somewhat) for purity when they get pollinated.
Back in the day I hand pollinated orchids and created some hybrids.Now I don't allow any hybrid orchids here.The peppers are soon to follow. If God would have wanted A cross B he'da done it himself.
Take the pure original, chop half of each, and toss them in the soup.Same dealio. More of flavor B ? Let the knife handle it.
Ahhhhhhhhh. My other passion. Knives. The only hand tool everyone uses on a daily basis.
My latest design. Work begins next week. I'll post the finished product.


  • WhardtonNesskinner2.jpg
    50 KB 路 Views: 66
I'm not one for trying to guess what the big guy's plan looks like: but if he had meant man to have knives he would have made us all Wolverine....


Cool Knife design though. I like a unique blade design.