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pest Is Something Eating My Plant Leaves?

Hey THP!

I spotted this leaf earlier and I thought I'd ask for thoughts on whether or not it's a bug issue: -



This plant lives indoors and that's always been the case. There aren't tons of leaves like this all over the plant, in fact I can't find any others at the moment. But I do notice them periodically. I've had a good look all over the stems and leaves with a magnifying glass and I can't seem to see anything resembling a bug. Are there any bugs that would only come out at night for a nibble? Is this even bug damage at all, could it be something else?

Cheers for any help!

Hi Baz, well it's not a rip and there's an actual piece of leaf missing. So yes, something is chowing down on your chilli leaf.
No idea what is chomping on it indoors, does look like a slug or snail has had a go at it.
Hi Baz, well it's not a rip and there's an actual piece of leaf missing. So yes, something is chowing down on your chilli leaf.
No idea what is chomping on it indoors, does look like a slug or snail has had a go at it.
Hey Tinkerbelle! Thanks for looking. Like I say, I've had a really good hunt all over the plant with a magnifying glass and I can't see anything at all. I wonder if it's a house spider or something? Is there anything I could treat the plant with to deter pests?
Have you checked all round and under the rim of the pot? How long has it been indoors?
You could always set a trap :D
Bugs are more likely to make holes in the leaves, whereas slugs/snails even possibly mice nibble around the edges.
I'm only going on my own experience and what I googled, the other guys on here are much more experienced on bugs than I am.
Have you checked all round and under the rim of the pot? How long has it been indoors?
You could always set a trap :D
Bugs are more likely to make holes in the leaves, whereas slugs/snails even possibly mice nibble around the edges.
I'm only going on my own experience and what I googled, the other guys on here are much more experienced on bugs than I am.
Hey Tinkerbelle! They've always lived inside. I've checked the rim and underneath the pots, nothing. Someone's recommended spraying them with isopropyl alchohol diluted with water at a ratio of three parts water, one part alcohol. Any thoughts on that?
Hey Baz, sorry thought they were indoors when you said "house spider" :lol:
I don't spray my plants with anything, a nibble on a leaf is all part and parcel of keeping them outside to my thinking.

Are you on the FB chilli pepper group?
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Hey Tinkerbelle! Yes, all my plants are indoors, always have been from germination! 🙂 I guess if I'm only getting nibbles here and there, it's not something to be overly concerned about, but the fact I can't see anything that would be doing it bugs me (excuse the pun).

I'm on a few pepper FB groups, yes. Is there one for THP or are you talking about something else?
I'm on a few pepper FB groups, yes. Is there one for THP or are you talking about something else?

no not THP, hang on I'll go see what it's called "Chilli Peppers - growing indoor and outdoor - for beginners and experts" - they're very fighty on there :rofl:

Sorry I misread your post, thought peppers were outdoors. It is flipping annoying that something is chomping it indoors. You sure you're not sleepwalking and having a crafty nibble? :lol:
no not THP, hang on I'll go see what it's called "Chilli Peppers - growing indoor and outdoor - for beginners and experts" - they're very fighty on there :rofl:

Sorry I misread your post, thought peppers were outdoors. It is flipping annoying that something is chomping it indoors. You sure you're not sleepwalking and having a crafty nibble? :lol:
Ah that's a shame they're fighty! I don't claim to be an expert at growing peppers, but I have learned a lot over the last couple of years. If I can pass on a bit of knowledge to someone as passionate about peppers as me, happy days! 😁 If someone disagrees with me, I don't mind so long as they explain why. Happy to learn!

As for me nibbling on the leaves, I'd prefer to be nibbling on the peppers instead! Ha! 😄