Is there any way to help buds turn into flowers?

This hab/Scotch Bonnet (tags got mixed up) is covered in little buds, and has been this way for 2 weeks with next to no change.
Is there a way that I can help the plant to turn these buds in to flowers so that I can see some pods at the end of the season?

     Any action that might help your plant to set flowers depends on the reason why they are falling off in the first place. It could be because of a nutrient deficiency, too low temperature, too high temperature, too dry soil, too small of a container, etc… What are the plant's growing conditions? This will help narrow down your problem.
     Otherwise, sometimes plants just drop lots of flowers before it feels like its mature enough to make babies. Unlike some humans I know… But that's a different story.
Buzz said:
If I remember correctly, now is when it wants potassium.... the fruiting nute!
     I think you might be thinking of Phosphorus. It's usually in high demand during periods of fruit or root growth.
Thanks for the replies!
Dash the problem isn't that the flowers are falling off, it's that the buds aren't progressing on to become flowers.
Potassium you say Buzz, thanks for the tip!
dash 2 said:
     I think you might be thinking of Phosphorus. It's usually in high demand during periods of fruit or root growth.
Yeah, that! Thanks for the correction! Dash is right..... Phosphorous
Phosphorus is it?
Ok sweet. I think I read somewhere that you can use match heads to insert phosphorus.
Any ideas if this is wise for chillis?
Might stick a couple of matches head first in the soil and see what happens
I don't know anything about using match heads but there are plenty of rose or tomato plant foods out there that will help your blooms.  Bone meal might be a good idea too although it isn't available immediately and has to break down will be good in the longer run.  Or you could grind up deer bones (any bones) and make your own.
when you look at a bottle of fertilizer it will have a number sequence, say 1-2-1.  This is your N-P-K.  Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium...those are your macronutrients.  There are also important micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. which can be supplemented with CalMag and various other nutes (OKGrowin mentioned epsom salt...magnesium sulfate...a half teaspoon in a spray bottle for foliar feeding is good about once or twice a week)
I'd definitely recommend fulvic acid too, just because I'm turning into a fanatic about that stuff after doing a lot of reading on it.  It results from and breaks down humus or compost and can carry 60x its molecular weight in nutrients O_o
The plant looks great.  As stated by others, the problem could be a number of things.  Too much or too little water, too much or too little nutes, too high or too low temps.  I would just stay disciplined in making sure that you are remaining consistent in your treatment of the plants, sticking to your normal feeding schedule (or increasing just slightly).  Once the blooms do open, ensure that they are being pollinated.

If you do decide you want to use a fert to encourage it to bloom, I might recommend looking for something you can feed foliar-ly (?) as I feel it make have quicker results.
The plant looks healthy, it's not a problem with water or feeding.
It's just too young/small to set fruit at the moment, judging from the 1 pic...