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Is this a chocolate hab?


heres is the pod ripened to brown...
CAPCOM said:
What did you grow?

just because you didn't knowingly plant chocolate, dont mean you wont grow it.
Grew some bhuts, 7 pots, brain strain, peach scorpion and red savina habs.

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Nice looking chocolate pepper what ever it is...taste it and see if it tastes like a hab
Im new to the pepper growing...i havent had enough experience tasting the super hots to differentiate....
Phil said:
My money's on it being a super. Never met any pepper at hab level heat with bumps like that. Is this the same pepper from your last pepper ID thread? If I remember correctly, I think the consensus was leaning towards brain strains. Must have crossed with something! Bonus! Yay!
Yes it is!
Phil said:
My money's on it being a super. Never met any pepper at hab level heat with bumps like that. Is this the same pepper from your last pepper ID thread? If I remember correctly, I think the consensus was leaning towards brain strains. Must have crossed with something! Bonus! Yay!
considering habs are smooth in texture from the get go i'm betting that too :) 
The picture looks very Brain Strain or perhaps even an early Chocolate Scorpion.  I'd vote *not* a Douglah because despite being heavily ridged and folded they typically don't have this much bumpiness.