is this a decent price??

I found a supplier that has Bhut Jolokia Dried Whole Pods...They are 18 - 20 Pods per pack and they cost $5.95 per pack...Is this a decent price?
Well, the CPI - NMSU was selling them for $0.50 USD each....pack of 10 5 bucks...I know, I bought 2...from what I have read, they are not prolific seed producers if I remember correctly...I may be mistaken...
I bought 2 oz of bhut jolokias pods from cajohns recently for $30 I recieved 66 pods. so roughly the price you speak of would be roughly a little over half priced than what cajohns sells for, & I'd think thats a good deal granted pod size can vary so number of pods in a weight can be different.
fess up now, where you getting these pods for those prices ;)
I seached the net today looking at pods and found a wide range of prices and figuredd I'd ask.....evidentlly it is a good price...HHHMMM now you want the source?? Great I give ya that and they'll be sold out by the time I go to order.... LMAO ...Just kidding....Always happy to share some info...

The only thing is, I just realized that the prices are Canadian...but according to's currency converter works out ok....
5.95 CAD = 5.91064 USD
Canada Dollars United States Dollars
1 CAD = 0.993384 USD 1 USD = 1.00666 CAD