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Is this a good Idea?

I gotta thank this forum for opening up the world of ferments and hot sauce making to me!  It's been a great little hobby and with some good results.  It also opened up other avenues that I never thought of doing (I'm brewing my own kambucha tea and making my own yogurt now as an example).
Anyway, I'm in my third ferment now, and it's slowed down after a week of intense bubbling.  As I was fridging a new batch of yogurt I looked at the yogurt machine and wondered....what would happen if I put half my #3 ferment into the vessel and added a little more starter and "brewed" it for a few days?  The yogurt maker would maintain it at the perfect temp for lacto to flourish, and as such, I should greatly expand the colony in my ferment.
After a few days and with a very strong lacto population, I could add it back into the main ferment jar and it would blast off again.
Is this is a good idea?  Anybody try it?
Maybe using a yogurt maker would cut down the recommended minimum ferment time from 45 days to something like two weeks with the same result?
So finally got tired of looking at my ferment not bubbling any more and just sitting there, so I decided to give my idea a shot and re-start it...or at least give it a helping hand.
It is working perfectly.  Turns out my yogurt maker is a perfect size for my fermenting jar.  It fit right in.  All I did was open the ferment to make sure it was smelling good (it was), then I mixed in another pouch of lacto powder, then I removed and replaced the cabbage leaf topping and set it into the cooker along with a towel covering it over night.
In the morning it was cranking again.  The mash had risen again and is bubbling more intense than original during my first week of fermenting.  
Looking and smelling good!  I think I will keep it on the heat for another day then remove and see what happens.
PS -- the yogurt maker keeps a constant 107 F I believe.  Sorry the pics came out sideways!  They were not like that on my phone.



...the mash actually rose up again and brine into the tube of the air lock.  I gave it a good swirl to bring it down and all is good now.