Is this a joke? Ill turn my whole yard into a Charapita patch

I think they are serious. I guess it's not hard to grow a pound of those chillies and put them up for sale, if someone actually buys them then it's easy money!
thats what im saying... you can make a good 10-15000 a plant... i think they are serious too... i wanna meet the person who pays that for a plant they can grow themselves for about 3 bucks or even free with seed trades...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Only a joke until some idiot pulls the string and buys
i guess that the truest statement one can make on this... its like the idiots that paid like 5 grand for an iphone app that did nothing but show a red diamond on your screen proving you paid 5 grand for an app that did nothing just cause you could... idiots paid for it...
Apparently it is true. There were stories being posted all over Facebook stating that they sell anywhere from $25-30k a kilogram. Pepper groups blew up with people begging for free seeds after that haha. I'm sure finding buyers would be difficult though.
yeah i think the stories were made up to up seed buying... no one is paying that or anywhere near that for those... sucker stories to entice seed sales
there are people on here that give the seeds and the pods away free... i hope he grew them and didnt purchase at some crazy price for resale...
I will sell you all my Charapita peppers for half price..........I will let you know when there ready.
I will sell you all my Charapita peppers for half price..........I will let you know when there ready.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Guess you missed these when the article was originally found....
$25k per kilo, most expensive pepper in the world
Aji Charapita $25.000 per kilogram?

no i saw those days ago... thats why i posted the thread "the most" pepper...
I just never found anyone that actually tried to sell those for such ridiculous prices then this morning that person posted ads in the forum ads section... looked at the site and found that page...
Um, are we sure that their prices are in USD?
I have a transverse flute sent me by a guy from Chile, it had a price tag of $4388.00.
Check the currency exchange top of page...
stettoman said:
Um, are we sure that their prices are in USD?
I have a transverse flute sent me by a guy from Chile, it had a price tag of $4388.00.
Check the currency exchange top of page...

yup its a canadian company.. been a member here since 2013 i think but only seems to come on to post ads and links to the site sometimes... 9thousand canadian dollars, 7 thousand us dollars.. i asked in their post too... i really wanna hear who buys this and if they ever sold any or if they bought some to resell at a crazy price or grew some and are just trying to see if they can sell them for that crazy article price..... im very curious...
Well, whoever is setting prices for what is predominately a hobby commodity must really love us chiliheads....I'm going to the next Grange meetin' up here. Change the locals from planting cheap shit like corn and soybeans....