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Is this a poisonous manchineel apple tree?

I saw this tree in upstate New York and was wondering whether these were edible apples, but I just saw a facebook article about about poisonous plants, and this looks like pictures of a Manchineel Tree.
Have I found something evil, or are these a different, edible species?  I suspect these are different as the internet tells me that  manchineels are in the southern states.
Definitely isn't, a Manchineel wouldn't grow in upstate NY. It's definitely an apple, I couldn't tell you what variety though. Definitely edible. 
peppamang said:
Definitely isn't, a Manchineel wouldn't grow in upstate NY. It's definitely an apple, I couldn't tell you what variety though. Definitely edible. 
I may have to take a small bite next time I am there.
When in doubt about whether or not to eat something, please ask your local extension service instead of random internet people.  Send that picture to someone from the Cornell Co-op Extension via their "Contact Us" link, as I'm pretty sure they know more details than you could ever want about every single plant that grows in the state of New York.  They'll probably tell you it is safe and tastes like crap; or safe and will give you a dozen recipes, but you're always best off asking the professionals if something is new to you.
I say this, because over a dozen people nearly killed themselves in California just in December of last year eating things that random people told them were safe.
Eleven of the patients recovered and three required liver transplants.
All but one of them from eating less than a single mushroom, because they thought a small taste couldn't possibly hurt.  Cheers!
Slug said:
When in doubt about whether or not to eat something, please ask your local extension service instead of random internet people.  Send that picture to someone from the Cornell Co-op Extension via their "Contact Us" link, as I'm pretty sure they know more details than you could ever want about every single plant that grows in the state of New York.  They'll probably tell you it is safe and tastes like crap; or safe and will give you a dozen recipes, but you're always best off asking the professionals if something is new to you.
I say this, because over a dozen people nearly killed themselves in California just in December of last year eating things that random people told them were safe.
All but one of them from eating less than a single mushroom, because they thought a small taste couldn't possibly hurt.  Cheers!
Thanks - I needed that!  I've got a feeling this thing is edible, but it is better to rely on experts.
I went to the site and posed the question.  I'll post their answer.  
I know enough not to eat any wild mushroom because some deadly ones look very similar to edible ones.  There is some expression like - there are no curious mycologists because they would eventually all be dead!
Jesus christ. Nobody should be eating wild mushrooms unless you really know what you're doing. Some people man...  :confused:  
The Cornell folks got back to me:
"The fruit in your photo is most certainly some sort of apple. All apples including crabapples are edible. The taste and quality of the fruit is another story."